Samurai Punk has announced their latest game Screencheat. Screencheat is a split-screen FPS where the idea of the game is to look at your opponent's screen to hunt him down. Long gone are the days when you and your sibling would fight and argue over who looked at whose screens to "cheat"; in Screencheat that is the key to victory.
Screencheating is made fun and easy through our maps and weapons, which are designed to maximise the joy of destroying your enemies. Maps are colour-coded to break the space into quadrants then using distinct structural elements and smaller landmarks you can triangulate your opponents’ position. Weapons give off trails and visual tells which also reveal your position, so if your enemy misses, you get an easy shot at revenge.
Screencheat has 10 guns to choose from, each one different to the last. Each gun is a one hit kill, but with each kill your position will be revealed on the map for others to find you.
The game features 10 maps, each with a different playstyle. We begin with “Museum”, the quintessential entry-point for Screencheaters, a twisting, multi-levelled building with distinct landmarks to help you track your opponents and shortcuts to get the jump on them.
Other maps include the open “Garden”, featuring two opposing mansions connected by an underground passageway and the wild “Loop”, a tea house in space where the gravity loops around, allowing players to flow seamlessly from the top to the bottom of the map and back again.
Some of you are probably wondering whether this is local multiplayer only or whether there is any online at all. Well good news, Screencheat with feature 2 - 8 players and will allow for a mix of both local and online multiplayer at the same time. While playing online, all players' screens will be visible on your screen just like it would in local split-screen.
No release date was given but Screencheat will be coming to Playstation 4. We will keep you up to date with any more information.
We've got the full list of Screencheat trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.