Indie Game Nidhogg Coming to Vita

By Brandon Fusco,
Some time ago, it was announced that Nidhogg would be coming to the PS4. While Vita owners could certainly have looked forward to Remote Play, the developers, Messhof, have done one better by announcing that a full Vita version would be released.

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That's all well and good, but since the game lends itself to competitive multiplayer, what good is just one copy on the Vita? The developers have revealed that Nidhogg will be cross-buy and cross-play, meaning that one purchase of the game will get you two copies, and you'll be able to play against PS4 players on your Vita. The Vita will also allow internet play via wi-fi, play between two Vitas using an ad-hoc network, and even local competitive play using a single Vita where each player takes control using one of the device's two sticks.

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Messhof has also solicited the help of Code Mystics in creating this port, which should hopefully speed up the process, but no firm release date has been revealed.

We've got the full list of Nidhogg trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Brandon Fusco
Written by Brandon Fusco
Brandon is an Editor and TGN's Host with the Most. The most what? The most opinions, the most understanding wife, and the most *funny cat videos. Previously Host of the Trophy Talk Podcast. (*Not Verified)
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