Evo 2022 catch-up — all the new games and DLC revealed for PS5, PS4

By Lee Brady,

Evo 2022 revealed plenty of new PS5 and PS4 games and DLC this weekend, with Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8 making the biggest splash across the fighting game community (FGC).

From new content reveals for big games like Dragonball FighterZ and King of Fighters 15, to some relatively obscure arcade port news, there was a lot of news to miss at this year's Evo tournament. So, to keep up-to-date with the latest PS5 and PS4 game news from the FGC, check out this Evo 2022 PlayStation catch-up below.

evo 2022There were officially zero new Gokus announced this year. We're unsure if this makes for good or bad tidings.

New PS5, PS4 games revealed at Evo 2022

The biggest tease (reveal is probably a little strong) from the PlayStation Evo stream had to be for Tekken 8 — the long-awaited follow-up to one of our best games of the 2022 PlayStation Store summer sale, Tekken 7. While basically no details were announced, we at least know something is in the works, and our source on this is certainly more official than the dodgy Namco Bandai leak we reported on last month.

Tekken 8 wasn't the only new game revealed at Evo 2022 however — we also had confirmation that a new entry in the Fatal Fury series was on the way, making it the first new entry in the series to be announced since the release of Garou Mark of the Wolves came out in 1999. The Rumble Fish 2, a port of the arcade-only 2005 Dimps and Sega fighter, was announced to be hitting PS5 and PS4 this winter.

dbfz rollbackTruly glorious DBFZ news.

We also learned that Dragonball FighterZ will be getting a PS5 port, with PS4 players reportedly able to upgrade their copy upon release. It hasn't been announced whether or not that upgrade will be free or paid, so it's possible we have another What Remains of Edith Finch PS5 problem on our hands, but we'll know closer to the date. The game's upgrade will come with the much-fan-requested feature, rollback netcode (which massively reduces input lag while playing online games). It is also not clear whether or not this feature will be coming to the PS4 edition of the game.

New DLC characters announced for Street Fighter 6, KOF 15, Skullgirls and more

Street Fighter 6 announced two characters will be joining the roster for the upcoming release — the brand new graffiti-ninja, Kimberly, and returning Street Fighter 4 spider-lady Juri. King of Fighters 15 is also receiving two new teams (six more fighters) — Team Awakened Orochi from KOF '97 and Team Samurai, crossing over once more from the Samurai Shodown series as they've been doing since KOF '95.
Last year's Guilty Gear Strive is getting the stunningly-animated rollerskating yo-yo swinging Bridget, who looks like a ton of fun to play. Bridget also has a beautiful coming-out story to tell. Skullgirls 2nd Encore will finally be getting its final Season 1 character next year with the release of series antagonist Marie. We had also expected more MultiVersus reveals, but while a few new game modes were announced, no major character reveals happened over the weekend.

The best of the rest from Evo 2022

While not as headline-grabbing as new character or game announcements, the FGC at large finally got some major updates they've been pining for in for the form of rollback netcode for fighters Samurai Shodown and the PS4 edition of Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.

It was also revealed that Evo Japan would be making a return at the end of March 2023, giving fans another chance to tear a rift in space with their combined Cell Scream.
That's all the PlayStation reveals from Evo 2022, though do make sure to check out the actual matches from the weekend, truly some spectacular turnarounds that are definitely worth your appraisal. Let us know what your favourite moments from the weekend were if you watched, and scream in the comments if any of this news blew your mind.
Lee Brady
Written by Lee Brady
News Editor Lee covers the latest upcoming PS5 games like Ghost of Yotei while making sure PlayStation Plus’ classic PS1 and PS2 games are given enough respect. Lee leads the charge on our original data analysis courtesy of Game Lens. His 25 years of PlayStation experience compliments his love of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Sonic the Hedgehog.
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