Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition review round-up By Kes Eylers-Stephenson, 05 Apr 2022 FollowtopicsSquare EnixKes Eylers-Stephenson Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is dropping on April 7th. To help you prepare, we have a glorious review round-up for you, so you know what to expect from the new-old Square Enix game. Push Square — 4/10Robert Ramsey — "Parts of Chrono Cross really haven't aged well, but it's still a charming, characterful JRPG that evokes feelings of the genre's golden age on PS1. It's a game that deserves better than The Radical Dreamers Edition, which, at least at launch, is a dreadfully poor remaster. Crippled by frame rate issues, it beggars belief that a title from 1999 could run this badly on modern hardware. Unless you're desperate for the nostalgia, we strongly recommend waiting to see whether Square Enix releases a patch to improve the package on PS4 and PS5 before buying."PSU — 7.5/10Timothy Nunes — "Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition brings a beloved classic to the PlayStation 4, complete with its old pros and cons. Some of the limitations of the first game get washed away with the enhancements and features that come with this release, but they also create a couple of their own. Like a true classic, this edition is not without its issues, but classics have a way of outlasting their criticisms through the eyes of those who experience them."Twinfinite — 4/5Rebecca Stone — "Overall, I am happy to have a modern way to play Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers. Could Square Enix have polished this up a bit more to fit the standards of a remaster in 2022? Absolutely. Is Chrono Cross still a stellar game regardless? Absolutely. I am eager to play through it again in New Game+ to make different decisions and recruits. Chrono Cross stands the test of time, and I implore anyone who enjoyed Chrono Trigger or other 90s JRPGs to give Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition a shot."PlayStation Lifestyle — 7/10Jason Faulkner — "Since there’s no way to get Chrono Cross legally on any platform introduced in the last decade other than The Radical Dreamers Edition, you’ve just got to deal with it. I played it on PS5, and I imagine it’s a similar experience on PS4 and PS4 Pro. However, as much as I love PlayStation, I would buy it for PC. We’ll likely see mods on that platform that will fix the issues with the backgrounds and FMVs. I really hope the poor quality of this remake isn’t indicative of what we can expect from Square Enix in the future."TheGamer — 4/5Jade King — "Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is a remaster that should have happened years ago, and I’m so glad that the JRPG classic has finally received the respect it deserves in the modern landscape. You seldom see it discussed alongside other genre greats in the mainstream zeitgeist, but perhaps that perception will change now Serge’s iconic adventure is available on a selection of platforms with myriad improvements. Not all of its changes are for the best, but are easy enough to accept when the underlying game is still so masterful."The Escapist — Recommend What do you think of this huge variety of reviews? It seems everyone mentions how technically underwhelming the remaster is, but with different reviews rating that flaw with varying degrees of harshness. Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and see you there!More CHRONO CROSS: THE RADICAL DREAMERS EDITION stories: PlayStation Vita and PS3 classic games unplayable due to 'expiration' [updated] Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition PlayStation trophies now live PlayStation 5PlayStation 4 ProPlayStation 4 Written by Kes Eylers-StephensonEditor-in-Chief Kes is our resident expert in PlayStation and Sony news. He writes about PS5 games like The Witcher IV, Assassin’s Creed Shadows, and Kingdom Come Deliverance II using experience from years of PlayStation gaming. He also covers PS Plus news and some of the best PS5 games — Uncharted, God of War, and The Last of Us — before an evening swim.