Sony is shutting down SingStar and Driveclub servers next year

By Sean Carey,
Sony will shut down servers for SingStar on January 31st next year, and servers for Driveclub, Driveclub VR and Driveclub Bikes will also follow suit and close in March.


Announced over on the PlayStation website, Sony says that SingStar servers will shut down on 31st January 202, 23.59 GMT. This means all online functionality, network features and downloading content for Singstar will no longer be available. Players will not be able to view or interact with any uploaded user-generated content or share any recorded media to any social websites, including the SingStar community. You will still be able to play the game offline and play digital songs that have previously been purchased and downloaded. PS4 players will be able to re-download previously deleted songs; however, this will not be possible on PS3 and PS2 versions of the game.

The servers shutting down means that some trophies will be affected too. A total of four trophies will become unobtainable. They are:

SingStarChannel surferThe Channel surfer trophy in SingStar worth 26 pointsView 50 pieces of media

SingStarConcert debutThe Concert debut trophy in SingStar worth 28 pointsUpload a piece of media

SingStarStars in my eyesThe Stars in my eyes trophy in SingStar worth 26 pointsRate 10 pieces of media

SingStarSingStar™The SingStar™ trophy in SingStar worth 896 pointsCollect every SingStar™ trophy

Channel Surfer, Stars in my Eyes and Concert Debut all look pretty straightforward trophies to grab, so you should be able to get them before the servers go down. The platinum, however, could prove a bit more difficult.

Peugeot 1

As announced earlier in the year, all online servers for Driveclub, Driveclub VR and Driveclub Bikes will shut down on 31st March 2020, 23:59 BST. This means that players can no longer play online, use their season pass, represent their Club online in events or tours, create their own events or compete in leader boards, share stats and player progress. You will still be able to user season pass content in all single-player and offline modes; the same goes for any DLC.

The trophies affected for each game are listed below:


DRIVECLUBClubmanThe Clubman trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 22 pointsJoin a Club, or have someone join a Club that you have created.

DRIVECLUBFirst Of ManyThe First Of Many trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 15 pointsBeat your first Face-Off.

DRIVECLUBContenderThe Contender trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 38 pointsWhen the timer expires on a Driver Challenge, be at the top of the leaderboard.

DRIVECLUBAnd So It Begins!The And So It Begins! trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 29 pointsSend a Challenge to another player.

DRIVECLUBFace-OffThe Face-Off trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 41 pointsComplete 50 Face-Offs.

DRIVECLUBHidden TrophyThe Hidden Trophy trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 51 pointsContinue playing to unlock this hidden trophy

DRIVECLUBUnbeatableThe Unbeatable trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 255 pointsWin 5 of your own Solo Challenges after sending them to at least one other player.

DRIVECLUBLiferThe Lifer trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 230 pointsDrive at least 1000 miles (1610 km) as a Club Member.

Driveclub VR

Driveclub VRHere Comes A New Challenger…The Here Comes A New Challenger… trophy in Driveclub VR worth 46 pointsWin 2 of your own Solo Challenges after sending them to at least one other player.

Driveclub VRVirtual Sea LegsThe Virtual Sea Legs trophy in Driveclub VR worth 37 pointsPlay 5 Events in Multiplayer.


DRIVECLUB BIKESCommunity ServiceThe Community Service trophy in DRIVECLUB BIKES worth 23 pointsParticipate in an Evolution Bike Challenge.

DRIVECLUB BIKESHidden TrophyThe Hidden Trophy trophy in DRIVECLUB BIKES worth 25 pointsContinue playing to unlock this hidden trophy

DRIVECLUB BIKESI'll Save That For LaterThe I'll Save That For Later trophy in DRIVECLUB BIKES worth 167 pointsSave a Multiplayer Replay at the end of a Race after finishing on the podium with 6 or more competitors (Bikes Only).

Make sure you grab any online trophies from both SingStar and the Driveclub titles before their individual server closures next year.
Sean Carey
Written by Sean Carey
Hey, I’m Sean! I joined both TrueAchievements and TrueTrophies as a staff writer in 2019. I’m a big fan of the Metal Gear Solid series and love a good narrative adventure. Most evenings you’ll find me failing to get a win in Call of Duty: Warzone.
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