Conan Exiles: Platinum Trophy in Under Two Hours

By Dave Horobin,
Conan Exiles is now available to download for free as part of April's PlayStation Plus, meaning that many of you will be playing Funcom's open-world survival title.

If you're put off starting the game with the prospect of grinding for long periods in order to gather resources and level up your character, have no fear, as console commands in Conan Exiles make it a quick and easy platinum that can be completed in around two hours. To help you on your way, here's our guide on how to unlock each trophy in the quickest way possible.


Before You Begin

Bear in mind that you will need over 70GB of space in order to download and install the game — our claims of a 2-hour completion don't include the time it will take your local internet connection to download this beast. It's also worth noting that one Conan Exiles trophy appears to only unlock when attempting it against a player-controlled character — in other words, you will need an online co-op partner to get the full Platinum.

There is also some frustration specific to PlayStation 4 players. Many guides out in the wild will tell you to use the Fly option to rapidly navigate the world and access a couple of specific trophies. However as of this writing, the Fly command rarely works on PlayStation 4, especially in a single-player private offline game which is where most trophies will be picked up. We have some workarounds below, but it does make one or two trophies a little longer to complete.

How to Access Console Commands in Conan Exiles

To begin your journey of unlocking all of the trophies in Conan Exiles as quickly as possible, you are going to have to set up the game so that you can summon enemies, level up your character, fill your inventory and travel around the map instantly by becoming the admin of your own private server. To do this, follow the steps below:
  • From the main menu, select Single Player and press the Square button to play Offline
  • Choose Civilised as the difficulty and press the Square Button to play
You will then be required to create your character, including selecting a sex, race, religion, voice, head and body features. Choose any options you wish at this point as none of them will void the game's trophies.
  • Once the game loads, press the Options button and select Settings
  • Use L2 or R2 to select Server Settings
  • Select General
  • Press X on the Make Me Admin button
  • Press Circle to go back to the tab listing and scroll down to Crafting
  • Set Crafting Time Multiplier to 0.1, Thrall Crafting Time Multiplier to 0.0 and Fuel Burn Time Multiplier to 0.1.
  • Press Square to save

How to Unlock The Road of Kings Trophy in Conan Exiles

In the game menu, navigate to the Journey tab, you will need to complete the first chapter for one of the game's trophies. There are 10 requirements that we will need to complete in total. At the very start of the game when you spawn, you can complete four of them:
  • Find Signs of Intelligent Life = Interact with the large stone/tablet in front of you
  • Climb = Press X to climb up a rock
  • Kick = Press L2
  • Dodge = Press Circle

How to Unlock the Level Based Trophies in Conan Exiles

Once you have made yourself the admin of your own private offline game, you can now begin to unlock trophies. There are six trophies that require you to reach certain levels within the game. To get these out of the way with quickly, on the menu you should now see a new Admin Panel option is available to you.

Enter the Admin Panel and you will see an option to Set Level. Enter 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 in order, making sure to apply the setting each time to unlock the trophies below:

Conan ExilesHither Came the Exile…The Hither Came the Exile… trophy in Conan Exiles worth 15 pointsReach level 10

Conan Exiles…A Scavenger…The …A Scavenger… trophy in Conan Exiles worth 17 pointsReach level 20

Conan Exiles…A Reaver…The …A Reaver… trophy in Conan Exiles worth 18 pointsReach level 30

Conan Exiles…A Slayer…The …A Slayer… trophy in Conan Exiles worth 18 pointsReach level 40

Conan Exiles…A Warrior…The …A Warrior… trophy in Conan Exiles worth 19 pointsReach level 50

Conan Exiles…A Champion…The …A Champion… trophy in Conan Exiles worth 39 pointsReach level 60

From the same screen as above, uncheck the Eating box and simply press the + button next to both Food and Water. This will complete two more requirements towards the Road of Kings trophy for Eating and Drinking.

How to Unlock the Trophies for Defeating Enemies in Conan Exiles

Return to the Admin Panel, navigate to the checkboxes and enable God, NoSprintCost and Freeze time, which is towards the bottom of the left list. Sprint forwards until you find yourself some open space, return to the Admin Panel and navigate to the Spawn NPC option. Using the search box, we are going to search for specific humanoid types and spawn them. When they spawn, they will most likely start to attack you. You can ignore them as you have god mode enabled.
  • frost = Wildlife_Frost_Giant_Boss
  • kinscourge = Boss_The_Kinscourge
  • beneath = Boss_KingBeneath
Selecting and spawning anything from the Admin panel is highly temperamental — keep clicking until you see the enemy spawn.

When the three enemies have spawned, navigate to the Kill all Spawned NPCs button and select it. This will instantly kill the humanoids and unlock the following trophies:

Conan ExilesGods of the NorthThe Gods of the North trophy in Conan Exiles worth 44 pointsDefeat Hrungnir of the Frost

Conan ExilesThe Devil in IronThe The Devil in Iron trophy in Conan Exiles worth 131 pointsDefeat the Kinscourge

Conan ExilesIt is the King, or his ghost!The It is the King, or his ghost! trophy in Conan Exiles worth 131 pointsDefeat the King Beneath

Return to the Admin Panel, this time navigate and select the Spawn Creatures option. Similar to the steps above, we are going to search for some specific creatures, spawn them and then instantly kill them.
  • undead = Boss_UndeadDragon
  • giant = Boss_SpiderGiant
  • giant = Boss_CrocodileGiant
  • sewer = Boss_SewerAbomination
When the four enemies have spawned, navigate to the Kill all Spawned NPCs button and select it. This will instantly kill the creatures and unlock the following trophies:

Conan ExilesThe Hour of the DragonThe The Hour of the Dragon trophy in Conan Exiles worth 129 pointsDefeat the Undead Dragon

Conan ExilesFrom What Hell Have You Crawled?The From What Hell Have You Crawled? trophy in Conan Exiles worth 42 pointsDefeat the Giant Spider

Conan ExilesThe Snout in the DarkThe The Snout in the Dark trophy in Conan Exiles worth 40 pointsDefeat the Giant Crocodile

Conan ExilesThe Haunter of the PitsThe The Haunter of the Pits trophy in Conan Exiles worth 125 pointsDefeat the Sewer Abomination

How to Unlock the Trophies for Building in Conan Exiles

Find some clear ground away from the dead enemies around you, return to the Admin Panel, navigate to Spawn Item and in the search bar type foundation. Navigate to any Foundation square block and add 20 of them to your inventory — you can increase the quantity of items added each time you click using the text box in the bottom right corner. (You will have to move to the Building tab to find your search results.)

Press and hold L1, aim using the right stick and press X to turn on building mode. It might be that you can't build in the area you are in. If not, continue down the path until the game allows you to place the foundations. Click the Right Stick inwards to Auto Align To Terrain, and lay the foundations in a 5x4 block on the ground. This will unlock the following trophy:

Conan ExilesThe Scarlet CitadelThe The Scarlet Citadel trophy in Conan Exiles worth 16 pointsCreate your first building

Return to the Admin Panel and the Spawn Item tab. Search for the following items and add them to your inventory — again all found under the Building tab.
  • Altar = Altar of Set
  • bed = Double Bed
  • wheel = Lesser Wheel of Pain
  • Blacksmith = Blacksmith's Bench
Place the Double Bed on the foundations, and the other items around the foundations that you built. Placing the Double Bed will unlock the trophy below, and will also give you more progress towards the Road of Kings trophy:

Conan ExilesO Sleeper AwakeThe O Sleeper Awake trophy in Conan Exiles worth 15 pointsSleep on a bed or bedroll

Walk over to the Altar of Set that you placed and press Square to interact with it. This will unlock the following trophy:

Conan ExilesThe God in the BowlThe The God in the Bowl trophy in Conan Exiles worth 17 pointsUse a religious altar

The next few trophies are going to require some preparation. Before going any further, you can complete another step towards the Road of Kings trophy. From the Admin Panel, in the Gear section search for royal and add the items below to your inventory:

  • Flawless Lemurian Royal Bracers
  • Flawless Lemurian Royal Gown
  • Flawless Lemurian Royal Jewelry
  • Flawless Lemurian Royal Sarong
  • Flawless Lemurian Royal Slippers
Check the Journey tab. You should have now completed eight of the 10 requirements.

Open the Admin Panel, navigate to the Spawn Item search box, type in the following items. They can both be found in the Gear tab:

  • fiber = Fiber Bindings
  • Truncheon = Truncheon
Equip the Truncheon and fiber bindings in your weapon radial, return to the Admin Panel, navigate to Spawn Humanoid and search for h_4_c. Spawn a Black_Hand_Blacksmith_4_Cimmerian. Walk over to the humanoid and attack it with the truncheon. Above its head, you will see two bars: a red health bar and a silver/blue consciousness bar. Attack until the silver/blue bar is empty and the humanoid is knocked out. When she is knocked out, press Square to drag and pull her over to the Lesser Wheel of Pain you placed earlier. You will need the Fiber bindings equipped to do this, but you may need to unequip the Truncheon for the drag prompt to appear. This will unlock the trophy below:

Conan ExilesWhat do I know of Cultured Ways?The What do I know of Cultured Ways? trophy in Conan Exiles worth 39 pointsPut an enemy in the Wheel of Pain

Open the Admin Panel, navigate to the Spawn Item search box, type in gruel, add 100 of them. Return to the Lesser Wheel of Pain and "give" the gruel into it and press L2. This will tame the Thrall you placed in there earlier instantly. Move the Thrall from the Lesser Wheel of Pain inventory into your inventory, walk over to the Blacksmith's Bench you placed earlier and press Square and place the Thrall into Blacksmith's Bench and allow you to craft items.

Open the Admin Panel, navigate to the Spawn Item search box, type in the wood and then twine. Add 100 of each of them to your inventory. Leave the Admin Panel, open your inventory, navigate to Crafting, find Repair Hammer and press X to craft. This will bring you one step closer to the Road of Kings trophy.

Return to the Admin Panel, navigate to the Spawn Item search box type iron and add 100 Iron Bar to your inventory. Go to the Blacksmith's Bench, place the wood, twine and iron bars into the Blacksmith's inventory, on the right navigate to the Flawless Flanged Iron Mage. This will unlock the following two trophies:

Conan ExilesBy this Axe I Rule!The By this Axe I Rule! trophy in Conan Exiles worth 15 pointsGet a Dedicated Weapon

Conan ExilesThe Gilt, The Craft and the LieThe The Gilt, The Craft and the Lie trophy in Conan Exiles worth 42 pointsPlace a thrall crafter in a crafting station

Equipe the Flawless Flanged Iron Mage, open the Admin Panel and spawn a humanoid. Once spawned, kill it with the Flawless Flanged Iron Mage. This will complete the 10th and final requirement for the Road of Kings trophy:

Conan ExilesThe Road of KingsThe The Road of Kings trophy in Conan Exiles worth 16 pointsComplete the first chapter of the Journey

How to Unlock the Location Trophies in Conan Exiles

There are two trophies that will require you to discover specific locations on the Conan Exiles map. Fortunately, we won't have to do any walking.

Open the menu, navigate to the map, and press Triangle to Admin Teleport to the exact location shown in the image below:


When you arrive, you will see a message on the screen that you have discovered Chaosmouth. Head straight through the corridor in front of you and out of the small gap on the opposite side. You will emerge on a elevated stone path — keep heading forward and you should unlock the below trophy:

Conan ExilesWolves Beyond the BorderThe Wolves Beyond the Border trophy in Conan Exiles worth 19 pointsReach the highlands

volcano path

You will spawn near the Volcano. In front of you will be a path leading upwards. Follow the path until the following trophy unlocks:

Conan ExilesDying EmbersThe Dying Embers trophy in Conan Exiles worth 21 pointsReach the volcano

Unfortunately here's where things get tricky for PlayStation 4 players. For Xbox and PC players, to unlock the Dying Embers trophy it's a simple matter of activating the Fly control in the Admin Panel, allowing the character to fly. Players would then head to a spawn point in the northern Volcano and simply fly upwards to eventually unlock Iron Shadows in the Moon, for reaching an unspecified height on the overall Conan Exiles map.

However, the Fly command rarely works on PlayStation 4, especially in single player offline mode. So there is a bit of manual climbing to do here in order to reach a high point. A couple of the peaks around the Volcano crater are high enough to trigger the trophy. Try spawning around this point on the map:

High point

When you spawn, you will more than likely be falling as the geometry of the peaks is pretty temperamental. If you spawn near a cliff wall, push the left stick towards it and press X as soon as possible to latch on. Once you are climbing rather than falling, the trophy should hopefully unlock. Experiment with different spawn points in the area — it may take a little trial and error.

Conan ExilesIron Shadows in the MoonThe Iron Shadows in the Moon trophy in Conan Exiles worth 136 pointsReach the skies above the Exiled Lands

There's one other trophy you can get while you are here, though you can also unlock it by simply falling from any high place while you have God mode enabled:

Conan ExilesThe Cliffs ReelThe The Cliffs Reel trophy in Conan Exiles worth 111 pointsFall for 3 seconds without dying

How to Unlock the Co-op Trophy in Conan Exiles

Finally, we have the one co-op trophy to complete the Conan Exiles list and get the Platinum. The trophy is not labelled as co-op only, but it seems impossible to unlock against NPCs. Save your game and go to the main menu. Select Single Player/Co-op and then press X to enable co-op. Make yourself the server admin again and invite your co-op partner into the game. The aim now is to stand or fall onto a player's head while weighing so much that you crush and kill them.

If you need to find a co-op partner for this trophy, you can view all of the upcoming gaming sessions for the game here: Conan Exiles Sessions. You can also create your own gaming session to suit your schedule here — check out our guide to setting up sessions.
For other platforms, once again the Fly option in the Admin Panel can be used to carefully position one character on another's head. Unfortunately, again, Fly is very buggy on PlayStation 4. You may just have to find a position to land on another player's head manually — try piling two blocks of foundation on top of each other and get your target to stand just underneath it.

Whether you manage to settle on the other player's head or are prepared to fall directly on it, head back to the Admin Panel and massively over-encumber yourself with a heavy item, such as a bed. You can add a maximum of 1000 items in a stack, but keep pressing it to add thousands. Once you weigh enough you should be able to crush your co-op partner for the following trophy:

Conan ExilesThe Tower of the ElephantThe The Tower of the Elephant trophy in Conan Exiles worth 144 pointsKill something by standing on its head

With that, you should finally unlock your Platinum trophy:

Conan ExilesTo crush all trophies beneath sandaled feetThe To crush all trophies beneath sandaled feet trophy in Conan Exiles worth 498 pointsFor completing all trophies

Congratulations on your Platinum! If you have tips to share, please let us know in the comments.
Dave Horobin
Written by Dave Horobin
Dave is the TrueTrophies Social Manager and has been a Newshound since 2010. When he's not chasing developers and publishers for early review copies, he can usually be found on the TrueTrophies social pages discussing all things TT related.
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