AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected Demonstrates the Power of Friendship

By Chewie,
A new 10 minute gameplay video has been released for upcoming first-person RPG AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected, showing some of the cartoonish exploration and action you'll expect to see from the game. Friendships are forged, rogue-lite dungeons are looted and enemies are donked on the head in the video.

AWAY: Journey To The Unexpected is coming to PlayStation 4 on February 5th.

We've got the full list of AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Written by Chewie
Chewie is a Wookiee from Kashyyyk. Since helping the Rebel Alliance defeat the Emperor, he has taken up Achievement-Hunting and Newshoundery on TA. Also, ice-skating.
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