Far Cry's New Apocalyptic Future Begins in February

By Kevin Tavore,
Just two days ago, we covered a tease from Ubisoft about a new spin-off sequel to Far Cry 5. Today, it was officially unveiled: Far Cry New Dawn. The official announcement at the Game Awards contained a massive ending spoiler for Far Cry 5 and confirmed this game is a sequel set in that same world. Read on at your own peril.

At the end of the fifth game, a nuclear bomb goes off and things get a bit hairy, it turns out. Welcome to the post-apocalyptic future, pseudo-realistic Mad Max primal RAGE style. The trailer shows off a ton, but there's not a whole lot more info than that other than the release date.

Far Cry New Dawn will launch February 15th.
Kevin Tavore
Written by Kevin Tavore
Purveyor of news articles and the occasional walkthrough or op-ed. The American equivalent of Aristotle. Likes almost all genres but has an unhealthy aversion to exploration and puzzles. Nicest place he'd never want to go? Japan.
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