Server Closures: PlayStation All-Stars Moved to the 15th; Sound Shapes 15th

By Sam Quirke,
A few days ago we reported that PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Twisted Metal's servers were shutting down on October 25th as advertised on their PlayStation Store pages. According to the latest legal notice from Sony, both games will shut down ten days earlier than previously reported. Online functionality will disappear on October 15th. This includes the PS3 and the Vita versions of All-Stars.


The same fate is befalling Sound Shapes across PS3, PS4 and Vita as well. Luckily in this case the online functionality is only affecting players' ability to share and download community levels which doesn't directly affect trophies, however it would be worth keeping an eye on whether trophies are indirectly affected in the weeks following. The closure date for Sound Shapes is again the 15th.

That's not all — ModNation Racers will also "no longer be playable" from October 10th — just seven days from now.

Warhawk remains online until October 25th and Drawn to Death until March 25th 2019, as previously reported.

UPDATE: Ask PlayStation UK on Twitter have confirmed that cloud sync for Sound Shapes will disappear after the 15th, meaning that you will not be able to instantly attain the stackable Platinum trophies across the three versions but instead have to fully complete the game three times:

Thanks to LordNimon99 for finding this out, and thanks to our own Game Information team (Shadow_Kisuragi in particular) for spotting these latest changes.
Sam Quirke
Written by Sam Quirke
Sam has been a Newshound since 2016 and is now the Editor for both TrueAchievements and TrueTrophies. He loves gaming on all devices and in all genres. He remains a stubborn Assassin's Creed and Pokémon fan.
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