Trailer for Destiny 2’s New Gambit Mode

By Kevin Tavore,
Last night, the hubbub surrounding the story trailer for Destiny 2 (PS4) showed the hype for the upcoming expansion was alive and kicking. That story trailer didn’t show much, but Bungie isn’t done. Today’s trailer focuses on the gameplay of the new Gambit mode, which will put players into a hybrid PVE/PVP scenario. Because who doesn’t want to kill a player right before they kill a boss?

The “Forsaken” expansion will arrive September 4th.


We've got the full list of Destiny 2 (PS4) trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Kevin Tavore
Written by Kevin Tavore
Purveyor of news articles and the occasional walkthrough or op-ed. The American equivalent of Aristotle. Likes almost all genres but has an unhealthy aversion to exploration and puzzles. Nicest place he'd never want to go? Japan.
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