Poll: What's Your Most Anticipated Video Game Release for May 2018?

By Mark Delaney,
Happy Friday TT! Last week's poll focused on the history of the Tomb Raider series. We wanted to know if you prefer the original run of games or the post-2013 reboots. The majority of you (56.57%) sided with recency and picked the reboots. Only 13.71% chose the originals. Some of you even tried to argue there's a third era in between the two which deserves its own option. Thanks, but I already get my fill of complicated timelines by watching Westworld.

Forgotton Anne

This week's poll looks again at the new month in which we find ourselves. April was a pretty quiet month and though May won't be a blockbuster for many, there are still several big titles worth some attention. As always, you can find our game release calendar under the Main Menu tab atop the site — or right here! Which has that attention of yours the most? Is it the big new exclusive Detroit: Become Human, the anime that you play in Forgotton Anne, the unforgiving Dark Souls: Remastered, or something else entirely? Let us know in this week's poll!
What's your most anticipated May 2018 video game release?
  • Agony
  • Dark Souls: Remastered
  • Detroit: Become Human
  • Forgotton Anne
  • Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
  • Other
  • None
We've had 232 responses.
Mark Delaney
Written by Mark Delaney
Mark has been gaming for over two decades and writing for the TrueGaming Network since 2011. He greatly prefers single-player to online modes, but is always taking challengers in Rocket League and Madden. Aside from games, he loves sci-fi, NFL football (go Titans), and biking. He'll be disappointed when The Last of Us 2 is announced.
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