The Evil Within 2 Update Adds First-Person Mode

By Rebecca Smith,
Generally, The Evil Within 2 is played in a third-person view, with the exception of a couple of sections where players switch to first-person. Not long after the game released in October 2017, PC players realised that they could use a console command to change the entire game into a first-person experience, resulting in players clamouring for developer Tango Gameworks to officially add the feature to the rest of game. This has happened with today's patch.


With a more restricted field of view, players gain an even more heightened sense of fear while working their way through the survival horror title. You can get an idea of what to expect in the trailer below.

Players will be able to change between third-person and first-person at any point during the game. Just head into the Options section of the menu, choose the General sub section and then scroll down to First-Person Mode. The patch is available to download now for free.

We've got the full list of The Evil Within 2 trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Rebecca Smith
Written by Rebecca Smith
Rebecca is the Newshound Manager at TrueGaming Network. She has been contributing articles since 2010, especially those that involve intimidatingly long lists. When not writing news, she works in an independent game shop so that she can spend all day talking about games too. She'll occasionally go outside.
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