Playstation Plus Titles for December 2017

By Rebecca Smith,
T'was the night before December before Sony decided to let the world know what games players would be able to download for the new Playstation Plus titles for this month. Like last month, there are no differences between the lists for North America and Europe, and the titles will be available in both regions from December 5th.

The full list is below with six titles and a continuing bonus addition. If you live in Europe or Australasia, there's a second bonus addition that continues to be available too. Thanks to cross-buy, PS4 players will be able to download three new titles (with two titles ongoing for another month in certain regions), while PS3 and Vita players get two titles apiece. Here's the list:

Playstation 4

Playstation 3

Playstation Vita

As well as the above free titles, PS+ members will get access to an exclusive Monster Hunter: World beta from December 9th to 12th. The beta will test players against a Great Jagras and an Anjanath in the Ancient Forest. There's also the Barroth in Wildspire Waste. If you feel like exploring a bit more, there will be plenty of other deadly creatures wandering around too.

Once the beta has ended, PS+ players can then pick up a free bonus "PlayStation Plus Pack" for SMITE. The pack includes the Khepri Announcer Pack, 31 Skins, 20 Gods and Voice Packs. There's not so much of a rush to pick this one up, though, as the pack will be available from December 12th until January 9th.

On the other hand, this means you have only five more days to pick up the following titles, so don't delay anymore!

What will you be downloading from this month?
Rebecca Smith
Written by Rebecca Smith
Rebecca is the Newshound Manager at TrueGaming Network. She has been contributing articles since 2010, especially those that involve intimidatingly long lists. When not writing news, she works in an independent game shop so that she can spend all day talking about games too. She'll occasionally go outside.
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