OUTCAST - Second Contact Gameplay Series Episode Two

By Ashley Woodcock,
In part two of Bigben Interactive's gameplay series for the upcoming open-world title OUTCAST - Second Contact, the focus is on the equipment and weapons players will get to use in the game. As you'll see in the following video, there's a decent choice of weapons and gadgets to use in many different ways. Check out the video as Cutter Slade puts his gear to very good use:

OUTCAST screen 1

OUTCAST - Second Contact is just a few days from its release, which is this Tuesday, November 14th.

We've got the full list of Outcast - Second Contact trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Ashley Woodcock
Written by Ashley Woodcock
Hounding news for TrueTrophies ever since the site first launched. Lover of completions, tough achievements, shooters, action, adventure and racing titles, hip-hop, NBA, and my Scooby. I own an Xbox One and Xbox 360. If I ever get my gaming room back, and a whopping amount of constant free time to go with it, I may get a PlayStation console too.
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