One Way Trip Coming to PS4, Vita

By Brandon Fusco,
Get ready for something strange. One Way Trip has been announced for the PS4 and PS Vita. The developer has released a video so that you might get an idea of what you're stepping into, but don't expect to understand a whole lot.

One Way Trip is about your last six hours on Earth after drinking from a water supply poisoned as part of a massive attack. Your entire town, including you, is poisoned, and everyone will die in six hours while experiencing crazy hallucinations. The developer's goal was to put you in a position where you are confronting your own mortality while "your limbs turn into cartoon dolphins".

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The scope of the game is quite ambitious, trying to create a game where your choices can impact almost everything. All the people will have lives that carry on without you. Players can choose to hold up in their bedrooms for their last six hours, but the world will continue turning without their input. The player will have to figure out what he or she wants to do with the time left and what kind of legacy he or she wants to leave.

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6/4/2014 - One Way Trip 1

Even the genre of the game seems to be a matter of personal choice:
While other games branch at points by letting you make certain key decisions, our goal was to make a game that adapts its entire focus even down to its genre so that, based on the choices you make, you could end up with anything from a surrealist action-movie-style romp complete with turret sequences to a quiet, meditative philosophical journey where you never fire a single shot.
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6/4/2014 - One Way Trip 5

This contender for the "Most Unusual" game award is still awaiting a release date, but it isn't expected to be finished until next year.

We've got the full list of One Way Trip trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Brandon Fusco
Written by Brandon Fusco
Brandon is an Editor and TGN's Host with the Most. The most what? The most opinions, the most understanding wife, and the most *funny cat videos. Previously Host of the Trophy Talk Podcast. (*Not Verified)
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