Hunting Simulator Updated to Include New Expert Mode

By Chewie,
Hunting Simulator was released a couple of months ago and boasted almost 40 species of animal to hunt using 17 weapons and 50 accessories across 12 different regions in Europe and America. However, the campaign limited choice elements so the developer has released an update that brings a new "Expert" game mode. The new mode allows players to create custom crafted hunting experiences by choosing region, prey, gear, time of day and duration. The update also brings other things like a Hunter's Lodge to show off trophies and stats, improved animal AI and blood tracking, and bug fixes. Check out the video below that highlights the key features.


Update 1.2 for Hunting Simulator is already out on consoles.

We've got the full list of Hunting Simulator trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Written by Chewie
Chewie is a Wookiee from Kashyyyk. Since helping the Rebel Alliance defeat the Emperor, he has taken up Achievement-Hunting and Newshoundery on TA. Also, ice-skating.
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