ROGUE TROOPER REDUX's Developers Walk Us Through the Gameplay

By Kevin Tavore,
In ROGUE TROOPER REDUX, you are Rogue, a genetically-engineered soldier in a battle against villainous stories. The new title is actually based on a 2006 tactical shooter called Rogue Trooper, which in turn was based on a comic book. Today, one of the game's original programmers, Rich May, is here to walk us through the gameplay demo at E3. We'll see our hero meet friends, have friends die, kill enemies with rifles, his bare hands and turrets. We also get some insight into who this character is and what the game in general is all about.

Rogue Trooper Redux


We've got the full list of ROGUE TROOPER REDUX trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Kevin Tavore
Written by Kevin Tavore
Purveyor of news articles and the occasional walkthrough or op-ed. The American equivalent of Aristotle. Likes almost all genres but has an unhealthy aversion to exploration and puzzles. Nicest place he'd never want to go? Japan.
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