Fortnite E3 Interview Reveals Tons of Details

By Kevin Tavore,
Fortnite (PS4)'s developers call it a co-operative action building game. You craft, scavenge, and build a giant fort to defend against your enemies in a procedurally-generated world. Worlds are hosted on dedicated servers so you'll be able to bring your stuff with you to every world when you join your friends, which is a nice change of pace from something like Minecraft which was clearly an inspiration.

Fortnite - reveal images

The moment-to-moment has depth. You need to go on missions to get loot and resources to build your fort. It's all about doing what you want. If you want to just shoot things, there are missions for that. If you want to build, there are missions for that. The developers hope all players will find something to love here.

If you want to hear more, you can take a look at the 10-minute interview below:

Fortnite will launch on July 21st for PS4.

We've got the full list of Fortnite (PS4) trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Kevin Tavore
Written by Kevin Tavore
Purveyor of news articles and the occasional walkthrough or op-ed. The American equivalent of Aristotle. Likes almost all genres but has an unhealthy aversion to exploration and puzzles. Nicest place he'd never want to go? Japan.
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