Hyper Sentinel Official E3 2017 Trailer

By Roland Chansen,
Huey Games shows off Hyper Sentinel with its official E3 2017 game trailer. Hyper Sentinel is an arcade style shoot ‘em up game with retro style graphics. The side-scrolling shoot ‘em up is a throwback to classic video games dating back to the NES. For those interested, a three-level demo is available on PC and mobile devices.

Check out the full trailer:

Hyper Sentinel has not be given a formal release date, but is noted that it is “coming soon” to Playstation 4.

We've got the full list of Hyper Sentinel trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Roland Chansen
Written by Roland Chansen
Roland joined the Newshound team in May 2017. He used to love long walks on the beach, but now prefers achievement hunting.
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