Weekend Headlines March 10-12th Part 2: Rain World, Tokyo Xanadu and More

By Rebecca Smith,
The final part of the weekend headlines is here! Don't worry, seriously there is no more news after this.

Rain World

After months of silence, publisher Adult Swim Games finally confirmed that Rain World will be released on Playstation 4 on March 28th. As well as the date, they released a new trailer showcasing the fate of a slugcat. The game tells the tale of a slugcat that is separated from his family and left to fend for himself in an industrial wasteland. No mention was made of the previously announced Vita version but we'll let you know when we hear more.

Rogue Aces

Developer Infinite State Games demonstrated some new gameplay for their upcoming shmup. In this "rather cheeky base capture", it shows that sometimes you just have to land and "blast everything out of the way".

Full Kiss Snake Pass

The Air World is the fourth and final world in Snake Pass. In this puzzle game, players need to slither, curl and climb their way through the game's worlds to conquer obstacles and complete objectives. The Air World adds complications such as wind and updrafts that will change your approach to each level and the way that you can move around.

Full Kiss STRAFE

Pixel Titans' upcoming roguelike first person shooter will be released on May 9th. Players assume the role of Scrapper who is partaking in a dangerous mission on the edge of the galaxy. There is no respawn — you get a single life to explore the terrains of Strafe. If you die and decide to have another go, you'll find that nothing is the same as you left it.

Full Kiss Summon Night 6 Lost Borders

This title will finally be making its way over to North America on May 23rd on both Playstation 4 and Vita, over a year since its release in Japan. The game will launch digitally and at retail. Publisher Gaijinworks is hoping for a simultaneous digital release in South America and Europe but if the game does not appear in the Playstation Store on that date, it will appear “very soon after”.

Full Kiss Sundered

Developer Thunder Lotus Games unveiled the game's third boss: Legion & Salvation. They're the masters of Eschaton City and they're a "terrible mash up between an Eschaton Cultist and a Valkyrie General". Legion and Salvation are smaller than most of the game's other bosses and it is the first time that players will encounter a double boss in any of the developer's games. Players are warned to be especially careful of their enraged attacks that are particularly dangerous.

Full Kiss SuperMagical

Much to the relief of the TT community, SuperMagical received a patch that fixed the final broken trophy. Players can now unlock the Supermagical trophy. If you previously met the trophy's criteria, it will unlock as soon as you start the game.

Full Kiss Sword Art Online Hollow Realization

The Warriors of the Sky free update has been released for SAO: Hollow Realization. The new stage Salvatos Ruins has been added where players can go on a new adventure with Seven and Rain, two new characters from Sword Art Online Lost Song. Sacrament Dungeon 3 has also been added, which contains eight new high-level dungeons. There is also the new Duel System where players can partake in eight minute 1v1 matches against other players, or PvE matches against monsters. Amongst the rewards for completing these matches are ranks, buffs and treasure chests.

The game also added two free DLCs in the form of "Lord of Inferno" and "Missing Chest". The first allows players to challenge a strong raid boss in Salvatos Ruins once they have completed the new update. The second adds a treasure chest to Teleport Plaza where players can exchange gold for items.

Tale of Ronin

Although the game was announced at the start of this year, Tale of Ronin has only now been confirmed for Playstation 4. Alongside that confirmation comes the game's first trailer, showcasing the human side of the samurai.

The Long Journey Home

Daedalic took a number of their titles to PAX East, but The Long Journey Home was one of the few to get new assets. Feast your eyes upon the new screenshots below.

The Sexy Brutale

Reginald Sixpence is a typical inventor. He is a genius but has "a mind like a broken timepiece". He's also the personal clockmaker to the Marquis and his creations adorn the mansion. There are ornate grandfather clocks that deck the halls, as well as stranger mechanical wonders for which The Sexy Brutale is known. Something strange is happening at the Masked Ball and Reginald is on to it. Unfortunately this has brought him a bit of unwanted attention.

Tokyo Xanadu (Asia) (Vita)

Tokyo Xanadu will be heading west to Playstation Vita on June 30th. Unfortunately, if players want the Playstation 4 version, Tokyo Xanadu eX, with additional content, they'll have to wait until Q4 2017. We'll let you know when we receive a firm release date for the latter version.

Victor Vran

When Victor Vran is released on Playstation 4, it will come with all of the DLC expansions that have been released on PC. One of these is the "Fractured Worlds" expansion. The collision of several broken worlds has created a new plane of existence to which players will be transported. Victor must alter his fate by piecing together the Astrolabe, exploring four new dungeons that change daily. Then there's the Fracture, an endless dungeon with new challenges at every level. This expansion also introduces Talismans, an item that can change Victor's appearance and combat capabilities, including the ability to unleash devastating combat abilities.


On March 23rd, this game will be receiving patch 1.03 and free DLC. The DLC adds Balthier, the sky pirate from Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, as a Champion in the game. Take a look at the trailer below to see him in action. Meanwhile, you can check out the patch notes in the spoiler below:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

World to the West

World to the West got a confirmed release date. The title will be available worldwide on May 5th. To celebrate this fact, publisher SOEDESCO released a new gameplay trailer. Take a look at the upcoming top down action adventure with a clear inspiration in European adventure comics.

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (PS4)

Finally for this week, Yonder also received a release date. This title will be available on July 18th and it also received a new trailer in celebration of the announcement.

That's all for this week. Join us next week for more weekend headlines.
Rebecca Smith
Written by Rebecca Smith
Rebecca is the Newshound Manager at TrueGaming Network. She has been contributing articles since 2010, especially those that involve intimidatingly long lists. When not writing news, she works in an independent game shop so that she can spend all day talking about games too. She'll occasionally go outside.
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