The Metronomicon Announced For Playstation 4

By Andy Mills,
There was a time when rhythm games were on top of the world with Guitar Hero Series and Rock Band Series ensuring there were plenty of plastic instruments in households across the world. However, after a middling reception from players to the recent revivals for the two series' latest iterations, it's clear rhythm games need to do something rather different nowadays. Enter The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor, a rhythm role-playing game developed by Puuba and published by Akupara Games, which is making its way to consoles after originally releasing on last year on PC.

The Metronomicon logo

To see what this rhythm RPG looks like in action, check out the trailer for the game below.

Debuting on the console edition will be the ability to play multiplayer on all of the game's various modes, a new playable character and more content to be announced closer to release. Speaking of which, if you're interested, you'll probably want to know when it's coming out. Well, we've got good news and bad news. Good news: it's coming this year! Bad news: that's as specific as we know.

We've got the full list of The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Andy Mills
Written by Andy Mills
Just one of the fine Newshounds on TrueTrophies. A completionist, and a lover of all kinds of games.
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