The Best PlayStation Table Tennis Games

Best PlayStation Table Tennis Games

This is list of the best Table Tennis games available on PlayStation.

Game Score Ratio Gamers Comp % Comp Time Rating
Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR (EU) (PS4) Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR (EU) (PS4) 2,079 6.60 709 0.7
Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR (PS4) Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR (PS4) 1,776 5.64 196 1.0
VR Ping Pong Pro VR Ping Pong Pro 2,949 2.29 334 0
VR Ping Pong (EU) VR Ping Pong (EU) 13,755 10.66 504 0.2
Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR (EU) Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR (EU) 1,831 5.81 202 1.0
Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR 2,295 7.29 107 0.9
VR Ping Pong VR Ping Pong 11,271 8.74 288 0.3
Table Tennis (EU) Table Tennis (EU) 529 1.68 82 23.2
Table Tennis Table Tennis 588 1.87 62 17.7
International Table Tennis International Table Tennis 305 1.02 37 86.5
International Table Tennis (EU) International Table Tennis (EU) 306 1.02 68 91.2
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