World of Tanks (PS4) Trophies Full list of all 66 World of Tanks trophies - 24 bronze, 38 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 32 trophies, and there are 5 DLC packs containing 34 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 57 Online Mode 6 Single Player 4 Cooperative 52 Versus 17 Cumulative + 17 Level 9 Shop 1 Online Skill 2 Time/Date 6 Time Consuming 8 Discontinued 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 5,114 1,260 32 1 3 18 10 3.6535,625854 (2%) VictoriousCollect all trophies in the base game. Absolute AmericanResearch a tier X American tank. Absolute GermanResearch a tier X German tank. Absolute SovietResearch a tier X Soviet tank. LegendaryResearch a tier VII tank. WarDestroy 500 tanks. MP only. Top GunDestroy more enemy vehicles than any player in your team during the battle (at least 6). MP only. David and GoliathDestroy a tank at least two tiers higher than your own. WWII mode only. 1 guideMuricaDestroy 4 enemy tanks in a single match while using an American tank. MP only. Der Rhine TimeDestroy 4 enemy tanks in a single match while using a German tank. MP Only. For Mother RussiaDestroy 4 enemy tanks in a single match while using a Soviet tank. MP Only. One Man ArmySurvive a match and earn 2x more XP than the 2nd best player on your team, before bonuses. MP only. I am a Super ManBlock more damage than 2x the hitpoints of your tank. MP Only. 1 guideTank AceEarn the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge and survive. Steel WallBlock more damage than your team after surviving at least 11 hits for 1,000 potential HP. MP Only. 1 guideDon't scratch the paintFinish a match with 100% health with a potential damage taken of 1000 or more. MP only. 2 guidesSniperHit at least 85% in 10 or more shots fired and a potential damage of at least 1,000 HP. MP only. 1 guideRangerDestroy all enemy light tanks during a match, must be 3 or more. MP only. 1 guideTanks With BenefitsFully train a Commander to max out all skill slots. InvaderCapture the maximum number of points from the enemy base, but not less than 80, 3 times. MP only. 1 guideDefenderReduce the amount of enemy capture points on a friendly base by 70 or more, 3 times. MP only. Right Where I Want YouImmobilize 100 enemies by destroying their treads. MP only. 1 guideMediumResearch a tier V tank. Light CaptainPlay 100 matches as a light tank. MP only. Medium CaptainPlay 100 matches as a medium tank. MP only. Heavy CaptainPlay 100 matches as a heavy tank. MP only. TD CaptainPlay 100 matches as a tank destroyer. MP only. Artillery CaptainPlay 100 matches as artillery. MP only. Skilled CommanderEarn the second skill slot on a Commander. Chain of CommandEarn a total of 240,000 Commander XP across all owned Commanders. Seasoned PlayerComplete 8 Season Challenges. Up to the ChallengeBe on the winning team in four matches. 1 guide Update The Motherland 697 165 6 5 1 4.505,551746 (13%) For Her MajestyDestroy 4 enemy tanks in a single match while using a British tank. MP Only. The MuscleCause the most damage in a winning Team Destruction match and survive. MP Only. Show Me The MoneyEarn 100,000+ silver in a single match (gross earnings before Challenges) and survive. Distinguished ServiceEarn a fifth skill slot on a Commander. Veteran At The HelmDestroy 3 or more enemy tanks in a match with an Elite Commander equipped and survive. MP only. Not in MY house!Destroy 2 enemy tanks trying to capture a friendly base. MP only. 1 guide Update Heavyweight 475 180 8 4 4 4.4015,0191,297 (9%) In My SightsDestroy an undetected enemy tank. A God Among MenSurvive for one minute while remaining spotted as the last member of your team. MP Only. Dressed to ImpressPlay in one of each camo locale with camo equipped. MP Only. Call the BallRequest Fire on a target and have it destroyed by an ally within 30 seconds. MP Only. Preparing for WarEnter a battle with 3 types of Equipment on a tank. MP Only. MVPHave the highest XP of your team and survive. MP only. Stand By MeSurvive and win a battle along with one or more platoon mates. MP only. Friends and EnemiesWhile in a platoon, destroy an enemy tank that is in a platoon. MP only. Update Tank Heroes 790 150 6 4 2 4.504,035346 (9%) World WarDestroy 1000 tanks in multiplayer. Vive la FranceDestroy 4 enemy tanks in a single multiplayer match while using a French tank. Top ShelfResearch a tier X of each class. Eyes PeeledEarn 15 or more spotting assist ribbons during a multiplayer battle The League of Extraordinary GentlemenPlay at least five matches Ranked Battles. Ten by TenWin and survive ten battles in a tier X. Update War Stories 648 135 6 3 3 5.008,627387 (4%) Journey BegunComplete a story chapter successfully. New Story WheelsComplete all of a story's chapters with a different tank. Story TellerComplete all chapters of a story successfully. Story MasterComplete all chapters of four stories successfully. Better TogetherComplete a chapter of a story with another player. Special Guest Star!Complete a chapter of a story with a different tier X tank. Update Mercenaries 1,255 180 8 4 4 5.003,229233 (7%) Check's In The MailComplete the first stage of a mercenary contract. Gun for HireComplete a mercenary contract. Running With a Rough CrowdWin 5 Multiplayer battles in a platoon of only mercenary tanks. Wrath of the MercenaryWin 100 Multiplayer battles in mercenary tanks. Mercenary MasteryEarn a Mastery Badge of Class I or higher on a mercenary tank. Earning a ReputationEarn Marks of Excellence on a tier V or higher mercenary tank. Career KillerDestroy 50 enemies in Multiplayer with a mercenary tank. PaydayComplete The Heist War Story successfully.