Windstorm: Start of a Great Friendship - Remastered Trophies Full list of all 48 Windstorm: Start of a Great Friendship - Remastered trophies - 33 bronze, 10 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 38 trophies, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 25 Collectable 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,890 1,305 38 1 4 10 23 3212 (10%) NojrsodschObtain all trophies and become a sleeper. A match made in heavenWindstorm trusts you. Finish Mister Kaan's training. Perfectly nurturedThanks to you, Windstorm is a very happy horse! Care for Windstorm until he is at his best. BernweedCollect Bernweed. This plant is dangerous for horses. The more you collect, the better. You can find them on open maedows. Purple FoxgloveCollect Purple Foxglove. This plant is dangerous for horses. The more you collect, the better. You can find them at the edge of the forest or in the shade. Spotted HemlockCollect Spotted Hemlock. This plant is dangerous for horses. The more you collect, the better. You can find them on dry spots and on slopes. Bracken FernCollect Bracken Fern. This plant is dangerous for horses. The more you collect, the better. You can find them at the edge of the forest or on clearings. JumperWindstorm loves to jump with you! Training GroundFind the training ground of Kaltenbach Estate. The trailerFind Mister Kaan's trailer. He is living there and creates those beautiful carvings. TravelerWhen you run, you are free! ViewpointFind the best view around Kaltenbach Estate! Ancient TreeFind Mika's favourite tree. Here she likes to unwind and watch Windstorm. The Stone CircleFind the ancient stone circle. For how long might it be standing here? SpelunkerFind the mysterious cave. The Train StationFind the train station where Mika arrived. The SidingFind the old siding in the woods. The WaterfallFind the big waterfall. Cross-country raceYour best time for the fieldrun. Find the fieldrun and measure your time. Abandoned farmFind the Ungar's farm. Here Mika freed 33 and the other horses. Treasure HunterFind half of Mister Kaan's carvings. MazeFind the center of the maze. Mysterious StoneFind the mysterious Monolith. Where might it came from? ExplorerYou know Kaltenbach Estate inside out. Find all remarkable places in the surroundings. Treasure FinderFind all of Mister Kaan's carvings. Old ChapelFind the old Chapel. Lumberjack CampFind the lumberjack camp. Resting AreaFind a nice resting area. Wind FarmFind the Wind Farm. SpeedUpgrade Windstorm's speed to maximum. StaminaUpgrade Windstorm's stamina to maximum. AgilityUpgrade Windstorm's agility to maximum. ResilientUpgrade Windstorm's resilience to maximum. Hiking Trail: UrsteinseeFollow the blue marked hiking trail. Hiking Trail: ViewpointFollow the yellow marked hiking trail. Hiking Trail: CaveFollow the red marked hiking trail. WandererFollowed all hiking trails PhotographerFind all of Mika's lost Polaroids. Add-on Winter Wonderland 255 150 10 10 0.0032 (67%) Frozen LakeFind the frozen Ursteinsee. Find FlakyFind the giant snowman. Sleigh RideFind the sledding track. The Rock MassifFind the snowy rock massif. No Winter ServiceRide the winter trail. Where are the snowmen?Find all the snowmen. Lost DeliveryFind all the hidden gifts. The Christmas MarketHelp set up the Christmas market. Christmas ElfComplete all missions in which you give gifts to others. Winter WonderlandSuccessfully complete all winter challenges.