Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr (PS4) Trophies Full list of all 88 Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr trophies - 67 bronze, 13 silver, 7 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 43 trophies, and there are 6 DLC packs containing 45 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 87 Online Mode 84 Single Player 87 Cooperative 18 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 47 Cumulative + 7 Level 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 3,331 1,335 43 1 5 2 35 3.89,282759 (8%) FOR THE EMPEROR!Earn all Trophies to please the Emperor of Mankind. VerminslayerKill 2500 Horde type enemies. ReaperKill 250 Champion enemies. Cull the StrongKill 100 Elite creatures. Where It HurtsKill 50 Commander enemies. Hunter of HuntersKill 5 Boss creatures. No EscapeKill 50 enemies while they are in cover. GrenadierKill 1000 enemies with grenade. Ranged AvengerKill 5000 enemies with ranged skills. Relentless SlaughterKill 5000 enemies with melee skills. Judge and JuryExecute 50 enemies (only with Assassin or Crusader). Perils of the WarpCreate 100 Warp anomalies (Psyker only). Sacred FuryAchieve "Killstreak" bonus 30 times. Blood SacrificeAchieve "Massacre" bonus for the first time. Death IncarnatedGet "Angel of Death" bonus 30 times. UntouchableGet "Unbreakable" bonus 30 times. Veteran of BattlesComplete 50 multiplayer missions. Couch WarriorsComplete a mission in local coop. SaviourRevive each other 50 times. 1 guideStalwart ServantComplete 25 side events during the missions. Efficient OperativeComplete a Priority Assignment on Impossible difficulty or higher. InvincibleComplete 25 missions without dying. Uprooting EvilComplete 5 Priority Assignments. Perfect RecordComplete an entire Priority Assignment sequence without dying. The Emperor's WrathComplete 10 Investigations on the highest difficulty. All Kinds of TroubleComplete at least one mission from every type on the StarMap. VisionaryComplete 10 Void Crusade missions. Brother in ArmsJoin a Cabal. For the CabalComplete 10 Cabal directives with your Cabal. Cheating DeathDeal with 50 traps. Ordnance SeekerOpen 100 supply chests. DemolisherBlow up 250 explosive containers. Magos BiologisUse Booster type Inoculator component 250 times. Chosen WarriorEquip your first Relic item. TechnoarcheologistCraft 25 items. Forge LordFuse a socket into a Relic item. Hero of the ImperiumAcquire 5000 Fate points. No Turning BackReach Inquisitorial Rank 20 with at least one character. Lexico ArcanusLearn all the skills from a single Skill tree. BibliophiliacUnlock all Skill trees. MechasapientResearch 10 Tech tree upgrades. ONLY WARReach Inquisitorial Rank 50 and complete a mission in a Warzone. GloriousReach maximum points in a Weekly Glory challenge. Update Story Campaign 364 195 13 13 0.008,343762 (9%) The Plot ThickensYou have saved Caius Thorn and left the "Martyr". All Matters BiologicalYou have found Metrodora Thelema. Servant of the OmnissiahYou have found Omicron Arkh. Adept of the Lost ArtsYou have unlocked Uther's Tarot. Lord InquisitorYou have found Lord Inquisitor Klosterheim. Questionable IntentsYou have senteced Klosterheim to death. A Dedicated WarriorYou have released Klosterheim. Judgement Has Been ServedYou have killed Flavius Draken. Radical MethodsYou have released Flavius Draken. The KeyYou have found the Rosette of Uther Tiberius. Chamber of SecretsYou have entered the Stasis Chamber. There Is No Other WayYou have left the Alpha Pariah with Lord Klosterheim. Uther's VisionYou have left the Alpha Pariah with the Machine Spirit of the "Martyr". Update Season 1: Drukhari 370 180 4 1 3 3.502,6181,996 (76%) The Emperor’s JusticeYou have made a decision regarding the fate of a Psyker in the service of the Drukhari. PainkillerYou have sabotaged the Drukhari master plan and destroyed all of the Pain Catalysts. DeliveranceYou have eradicated the Coterie of Dissonance from the Triglav Subsector. Scourge of the DrukhariKill 1000 Dark Eldar enemies. Add-on City of Suffering 90 45 2 1 1 2.50661519 (79%) Sweet PainDestroy 100 Pain Catalysts in City of Suffering (DLC required). Harvester of Pain and GloryReach 1500 Score in City of Suffering (DLC required). Update Season 2: Khorne 452 195 5 1 3 1 3.502,0181,611 (80%) A Forgotten PlaceUnlock the "Agartha" Subsector. Careful, Thorn!You have judged Caius Thorn for his disobedience. The Bigger They Are…You have destroyed Abraxas, the infamous Chaos Knight. Vengeance for the StormwatchersYou have killed Kairn Golgarth, the Voidripper warlord. The Blood Must FlowKill 1000 Khorne enemies. Add-on Prophecy 398 180 11 1 10 0.001,571420 (27%) Master DatasmithKill 2500 Enemies by your Kastelan Robots (Tech-Adept only). Knight of the CogKill 20 Elite enemies on your level or higher (Tech-Adept only). Cognis ProtocolComplete a mission dealing damage only by your Construct turrets on your level or higher (Tech-Adept only). Unmarred CorpusComplete 5 missions without taking any Melee damage (Tech-Adept only). STC SpecialistSummon 1000 Constructs (Tech-Adept only). Unyielding LegionComplete 25 missions without losing a single Construct (Tech-Adept only). 1 guideSecret Found and LostYou have discovered the mysterious "Martyr" (Tech-Adept only). The PrimogenitorYou have survived the first encounter with Fabius Bile. Gift of the HarlequinYou have seized the ancient prophecy about the Alpha Pariah. There is No Truth in FleshYou have judged the renegade Tech-Priest known as the "Savant". Prophecy FulfilledYou have closed the Dark Nexus and witnessed the fate of the Alpha Pariah. Add-on Sororitas Class 608 195 10 3 7 0.0022694 (42%) Assisted RedemptionKill 1000 enemies while in Embodied Saint form (Battle Sister only). Demonstration of PurityKill 50 Chaos Engine Elites while under the effect of an Act of Faith (Battle Sister only). Display of ValourActivate 100 Killstreak bonus (Battle Sister only). Exemplary DevotionGenerate 10.000 Faith (Battle Sister only). Hallowed RejuvenationGain 100.000 Health from Banners (Battle Sister only). Symbols of the CreedDeploy 150 Banners (Battle Sister only). Tapestry of VengeanceKill 500 enemies while standing within your Banner's range (Battle Sister only). The Emperor's BrideTransform into Embodied Saint form 100 times (Battle Sister only). Tools of RetributionKill 500 enemies with Combo Weapons (Battle Sister only). Journey of FaithReach maximum level as a Battle Sister.