WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 Trophies Here is the full list of all 40 WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 trophies - there are 20 bronze, 17 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 36 Offline Mode 2 Online Mode 36 Single Player 1 Cooperative 1 Versus 5 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 4 Cumulative + 2 External Content 1 Partly Disc/Unob 1 Discontinued 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply PLATINUMOBTAIN ALL OTHER TROPHIES The Magic NumberWin a match in which you successfully pin an opponent (Offline). The Excellence of ExecutionDefeat 50 opponents using pin combination grapple moves (Offline). Caught SlippingWin a match in which you successfully use a leverage pin (Offline). Pinning's Not The Only WayWin a match in which you successfully use a submission (Offline). Power Of The PunchWin a match in which you successfully KO an opponent using a strong strike (Offline). Button Mash ExpertWin a collar and elbow mini-game (Offline). Worth Having To Re-ClimbPerform a successful ladder finishing move (Offline). Well ScoutedReverse an opponent's finishing move (Offline). Man of 1,004 HoldsPerform a total of 1,004 signature and finishing moves in any mode of play (Offline). 1 guideChairs Upside Your HeadDestroy 50 chairs (Offline). 1 guideUnhealthy Obsession With Wood.Destroy 50 tables (Offline). 1 guideCheck For SplintersPut an opponent through a table using a corner top grapple move (Offline). Please Don't Try This at HomePush an opponent off a ladder, so they fall out of the ring and through a table (Offline). 1 guideThat'll Shorten Your CareerDuring a Hell in a Cell match, perform a wall destroying finisher (Offline). Backstage FisticuffsDuring a backstage brawl, string 3 environmental grapple combos in succession (Offline). Talk About ResilientKick out of The Undertaker's Tombstone Piledriver finisher on Legend difficulty (Offline). 1 guideFor Whom the Bell TollsPin or submit Undertaker in the WrestleMania arena on Legend difficulty (Offline). Thank You ShawnDefeat Shawn Michaels in the WrestleMania arena on Legend difficulty as Undertaker (Offline). THQ StorytellersCreate a story in Story Designer with at least 2 moments. 1 guideOriginal Brand LogoCreate an original brand logo using the Paint Tool. Sign Of The TimesCreate an original crowd sign using the Paint Tool. Creative With The MovesCreate a front, top rope and corner finishing move in Create A Finisher. Streak BreakerComplete the Vs. Undertaker Road to WrestleMania story on any difficulty. Randy's FiredComplete John Cena's Road to WrestleMania story on any difficulty. Runaway ChampComplete Chris Jericho's Road to WrestleMania story on any difficulty. 5-Second PoseComplete Christian's Road to WrestleMania story on any difficulty. No More Mystery, YoComplete Rey Mysterio's Road to WrestleMania story on any difficulty. One Step Closer To The GoldBecome #1 contender for any title in WWE Universe using a Created Superstar (Offline). Champion of ChampionsUsing a created character, hold either the WWE or World Heavyweight title (Offline). US ChampUsing a created character, win the United States Championship in WWE Universe (Offline). Intercontinental ChampWin the Intercontinental Championship in WWE Universe using a created character (Offline). Unified Tag ChampsWin the Unified Tag Team titles in WWE Universe using a created character (Offline). Mr. Money in the BankWin the Money In The Bank match in WWE Universe using a created character (Offline). A Successful Cash InCash in Money In The Bank in WWE Universe and win using a created character (Offline). A Student Of The GameComplete 50% of the tips in the Practice Arena. Magna Cum LaudeComplete all of the tips in the Practice Arena. Win Or Lose, At Least You TriedPlay an online Royal Rumble match to its conclusion. The Last Man StandingWin an online Royal Rumble match. Way To ContributeUpload at least one item of created content to each category of Community Creations.