Tropico 5 Trophies Full list of all 71 Tropico 5 trophies - 48 bronze, 21 silver, 1 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 51 trophies, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 20 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 8 Offline Mode 7 Online Mode 55 Online/Offline 63 Single Player 48 Cooperative 50 Versus 11 Main Storyline 2 Missable 1 Cumulative + 1 Level 4 Time/Date 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 3,738 1,350 51 1 1 15 34 3.5348,3252,793 (6%)30-35h Tropico 5 Platinum trophyCollected all other Tropico 5 trophies Dictatorship 101Finished all tutorials A New DawnCompleted "A New Dawn" Day 0Completed "Day 0" Back to the PastCompleted "Back to the Past" Leon Must Die!Completed "Leon Must Die!" HopeCompleted "Hope" Good SportsmanshipFinished a multiplayer game Project BealeWon a multiplayer game by points 1 guideIt Prints Money!Won a multiplayer game by money ArchiterissimoWon a multiplayer game by construction Naughty DocksConnected a dock with that of another player 1 guideWhat Energy Crisis?Produced and shared 1 000 MW of power with another player Sheep For WoodHad a fleet of 12 trade ships Mine! All Mine!Mined 100 000 ores and coal in a single game Middle Manager Of The RevolutionHad managers in more than 15 buildings in a single game Friends With BenefitsHad relations higher than 90 with all factions in the Modern Era 1 guideEverlasting ColonyRuled for 100 months as a colonial governor Made In TropicoExported 100 000 Luxury Goods Agricultural CommunityHad more than 20 Plantations, Hydroponic Farms, Factory Farms and Ranches in a single game The Madness Of CrowdsHad more than 500 citizens in a single game The Town Of CityvilleBuilt 150 buildings in a single game Pension PlanEarned over $$200 000 Swiss bank account InfrastructorBuilt more than 2 000 meters of roads in a single game 1 guideThe China CardSuccessfully completed 5 trade routes with China in a single game 1 guideUnited States of TropicoFinished a game with relations of 100 with the US 1 guideGlobalistHad 5 foreign powers in your Embassies at the same time 1 guideBooked SolidHad Slob, Family, Cultural, Eco and Wealthy tourists at the same time on the island A Barrel Of MonkeysEarned $50 000 yearly revenue from Entertainment buildings The Great MogulHad 10 different industry buildings in a single game Extraordinary Popular DelusionsHad all happiness values above 50 1 guideIn Seventh HeavenReached overall happiness of 77 1 guideCause of DeathExecuted a Rebel Leader Greasing PalmsBribed a Faction Leader OverqualifiedHad a dynasty member with a level 5 skill 1 guideHeir And NowRecognized a new heir Mirror, Mirror On The WallChanged the looks of a dynasty member 1 guidePresidente's SevenHad 7 Dynasty members 2 guidesHistory Will Absolve MeSurvived a rebel attack against the Palace Let Them Eat CakeSurvived an uprising 1 guidePutsch and JudySurvived a Military Coup 1 guideThe Bay Of PigsSurvived an invasion from the USA 1 guideThink TanksHad 5 Army Bases in a single game Tower DefenseHad 20 Guard Towers in a single game Retro-futurismAdvanced to the Modern Era before the year 1960 1 guideFor Science!Researched all technologies at least once before the year 2005 in a single game Fundamental PrinciplesAmended the Constitution 6 times in a single game 1 guideBureaucratIssued 20 edicts in a single game ... But To Take PartIssued the "Host the Olympics" edict ClaustrophiliaWon a Sandbox game on a Tiny island 1 guideTo Live In Interesting TimesWon a Sandbox game on an island with Relentless Disasters 1 guide Add-on Waterborne 570 195 10 3 7 3.702,751815 (30%)10-12h The Black PearlCompleted "Treasure Hunt" Surfin' Tropico!Completed Waterborne campaign HerbivoreDefeated Captain Plant in the final battle 1 guideMy PreciousFinished the Waterborne campaign with the Black Pearl in your possession 1 guideThanks for all the fish!Had a fleet of 3 Fishing Trawlers The King of PearlsHad 3 Oyster Farms and a Jewelry Workshop Do not press!Fired missiles from a Nuclear Submarine during a battle against another player 1 guideWaterworldHad 10 Floating Apartments and no residential buildings on land (excluding shacks) 1 guideSeasteadingHad 1 of each waterborne buildings in a single playthrough Offshore HavenHave 5 superpowers in Offshore Offices Add-on Espionage 571 195 10 3 7 4.102,144692 (32%)10-12h The Maltese ToucanCompleted mission 1 Presidente 007Completed Espionage campaign The Silent FrontCompleted a Sabotage action in multiplayer TropicoleaksExposed secrets of 2 different superpowers in a single game Catch me a SpyDealed with 10 foreign spies in a single game AntiutopiaHad Ministry of Information, Dungeon and 10 Security Checkpoint Big BrotherHad 5 Police Blimps From Tropico with loveHad 13 loyal spies at the same time The Greybar HotelHad 20 prisoners in Dungeons and Supermax Prisons Kill all HumansEliminated 20 undesirable citizens with drones