Here is the full list of all 28 Tokyo Warfare Turbo trophies - there are 10 bronze, 11 silver, 6 gold and 1 platinum.
The developer is proud of you, congrats!
Unlock rank 1, keep scoring to unlock tanks as you rank up.
Unlock rank 2
Unlock rank 3
Unlock rank 4
Unlock rank 5
Unlock rank 6
Unlock rank 7
Unlock rank 8
Unlock rank 9
Unlock rank 10
Unlock rank 11
Unlock rank 12
Unlock rank 13
Unlock rank 14
Unlock rank 15
Unlock rank 16
Unlock rank 17
Unlock rank 18
Unlock rank 19
Score an enemy kill during a graviational anomaly event
Score two enemy kills in a short period of time
Score three enemy kills in a short period of time
Score 5 enemy kills in row
Survive all the 4 waves in the survival match
End a match that is longer than 10minutes without dying once
Be the one scoring the first enemy kill
Kill back the enemy that shot your tonk down