Tiny Tina's Wonderlands (PS4) Trophies Full list of all 47 Tiny Tina's Wonderlands trophies - 37 bronze, 4 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 39 trophies, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 8 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 46 Online/Offline 44 Single Player 46 Cooperative 4 Host Only 10 Main Storyline 4 Difficulty Specific 1 Story Completed 1 Collectable 1 Cumulative + 2 Cumulative - 6 Level 2 Shop 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,221 1,305 39 1 5 4 29 3.8210,4512,010 (19%)30-35h Bunker MasteredUnlock all Trophies. A Recent HopeReach level 10. Hero ProtagonistReach level 20. 1 guideWyvernheartReach level 30. Living LegendReach level 40. Quest Get!Complete "Bunkers & Badasses". Brighthoof Calls for AidComplete "Hero of Brighthoof". Short ReinComplete "A Hard Day's Knight". Friend to the ForestComplete "Thy Bard, with a Vengeance". Bomb Voyage!Complete "Emotion of the Ocean". Rude Sails of MagicComplete "Ballad of Bones". Brutal Narrative DissonanceComplete "Mortal Coil". Body UnsnatcherComplete "The Son of a Witch". The First SessionComplete "Soul Purpose". At the Top of All ThingsComplete "Fatebreaker". Gob Darn Good WorkComplete "Goblins Tired of Forced Oppression" and "The Slayer of Vorcanar". Parasites LostComplete "Walk the Stalk". You, EsquireComplete "The Trial of Crooked-Eye Phil". So Much for That GuyComplete "The Ditcher". No Quest Too SmallComplete 20 side quests. Completionist is next to GodlinessComplete all side quests. Grab My Hand!Revive a partner. Reversal of FatesGet a Death Save off a badass or a boss. Put the RNG in OrangeFind an enchanted legendary item in the wild. Bursting CoffersHave at least 100,000 gold. GoldionaireHave at least 1,000,000 gold. 1 guideMag of HoldingPurchase the final tier of any inventory upgrade. Mule CharacterPurchase every inventory upgrade. 1 guideTake ThisTrade with another player. Shop, Drop, and RoleplayPick up and redeem a cosmetic item. Luck AmokHave at least 3,000 total Loot Luck. They Haven't Invented Podcasts YetPick up a lore scroll. Keep On Rollin'Enchant or re-enchant an item. Dungeon EnderComplete every Dungeon Door in the Overworld. Back Off!Stun an enemy chasing you in the Overworld. Fired FestivalClear out 10 encampments in the Overworld. Thank the MakerComplete a Chaos Chamber run. "You Mean the Chaos Levels?"Reach Chaos level 10. Controlled ChaosReach Chaos level 20. Add-on Coiled Captors 51 30 2 2 0.751,9201,159 (60%)1-2h Chums, Bested!Complete "Best Chums". 1 guideChampion of Tall Fish TalesDefeat "Chums" the Old God at their highest difficulty level. Add-on Glutton's Gamble 54 30 2 2 0.751,417944 (67%)1-2h No More Hero SandwichesComplete "Pesto Chango". The Epic in EpicureDefeat Imelda the Sand Witch at their highest difficulty level. Add-on Molten Mirrors 55 30 2 2 0.751,224850 (69%)1-2h Off the HookComplete "Puns and Crimeishment". Destroyer of ChainsDefeat Fyodor the Soul Warden at their highest difficulty level. Add-on Shattering Spectreglass 56 30 2 2 0.671,148835 (73%)1-2h Nothing to FearComplete "Outer Daemons". Avenger of Lost SoulsDefeat Redmourne the Trivern at their highest difficulty level.