Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Trophies

Here is the full list of all 21 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 trophies - there are 13 silver, 7 gold and 1 platinum.

  • Grand Slam

    Congratulations for unlocking all trophies in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 10!

  • Teamwork

    Watch the credits.

  • Ten Thousand Ways

    Earn 10,000 EA SPORTS™ GamerNet Player Points.

  • From Bad to Worse

    Hit the ball from any bunker into a different hazard, such as a Water Hazard or Out of Bounds.

  • The Ultimate Challenge

    Shoot Par or under on Tour Pro in an 18-hole round, using the Precision Putter, Green Grid set to Off, Very Fast Greens and Fairways, and Long Roughs.

  • The Comeback Kid

    Come back from a +5 or worse to finish Even or better, in any Traditional or Online game mode round.

  • Play with the Big Boys

    Drive the ball 400 or more yards in the fairway in any Traditional or Online game modes.

  • Raindancer

    Play in the rain and score an Eagle or better in any Stroke based Traditional or Online game modes.

  • Riding Spinnaz

    Sink an approach shot using backspin covering a distance of 5ft or greater in any game mode.

  • Eye of the Hurricane

    Shoot under Par through a Gale Force wind in a Traditional or Online game mode 18-hole round.

  • It's All in the Hips

    Use Precision Putter to sink a 30ft putt without Putt Preview, in a Traditional or Online game mode.

  • Blammo!

    Earn the Bingo, Bango and Bongo point on a single shot in the Bingo Bango Bongo Traditional game mode.

  • Bare Minimum

    Play a round under Par in a Traditional or Online game mode with a Driver, SW, 5 Iron and Putter.

  • Aces High

    Ace a Par 4 or a Par 5 hole in any Traditional or Online game mode.

  • Weather Report

    Complete an online 18-hole round in the rain using the Live Weather feed.

  • Big Money

    Win 5 Million Dollars in Live Tournaments.

  • Piece of Cake

    Post a Top 50 score in a Live Tournament.

  • Tough at the Top

    Compete in Play-The-Pros mode and submit your score online.

  • Mulligans Island

    Use 20 or more Mulligans during an 18-hole round, in any Traditional or Online game modes.

  • Sharkies

    Play 18 holes online against an EA Tiburon team member or against any player who has this Trophy.

  • Big Tuna

    Play an 18-hole Traditional or Online game mode round in FIR and GIR using only tuned clubs.

Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 FAQ
  • How many trophies are there in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10?
    There are 21 trophies in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 - 13 silver, 7 gold and 1 platinum.
    You can view the full list of Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 trophies here.
  • Is Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 on PlayStation Plus?
    No, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 is not currently available on any PlayStation Plus tier.
  • When did Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 release on PlayStation?
    Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 was released on June 8th, 2009.