The Walking Dead: The Final Season (Physical) Trophies Here is the full list of all 49 The Walking Dead: The Final Season (Physical) trophies - there are 36 bronze, 11 silver, 1 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 16 Main Storyline 17 Collectable 32 Missable 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply The Final SeasonCompleted The Walking Dead: The Final Season End of the RoadCompleted Act One. Hide adsFitting InCompleted Act Two. ProtectorCompleted Act Three. Tickle MonsterTickled AJ. Nothing WastedUsed ALL traps. Social ButterflyTalked to EVERYONE at dinner. Lost LoveFound Heart Graffiti. UpstreamSpeared ALL fish. Where's the Candy?Hit all Pinata Swings. Rabbit SeasonShot ALL rabbits. Good GirlRosie. ScavengerFound all Episode One collectables. To Make It Look NicePlaced all Episode One collectables. We're StayingCompleted Act One. Old GhostCompleted Act Two. DefenderCompleted Act Three. Be PreparedMade sure everything was ready. BotanistGreen Thumb. EdibleHow'd it taste? Great GirlAw, Rosie. SureshotDidn't miss once. BondedPlatonic. Moving FastTeenage Romance. DeadeyeProtected your turf. GathererFound all Episode Two collectables. Personal TouchPlaced all Episode Two collectables. WhispersCompleted Act One. ShorelineCompleted Act Two. LeaderCompleted Act Three. Best GirlRosie! MercyDid no harm. NightlightMade sure they slept tight. All-seeingLet nothing slip by. Did you lick it?Remembered the good times. Personal SpaceKept your distance. As A MouseWas very sneaky. TallyCounted the days. HunterFound all Episode Three collectables. Feels Like MinePlaced all Episode Three collectables. Red WaterCompleted Act One. Final LessonCompleted Act Two. SaviorCompleted Act Three. GoodbyeDid all you could. You And MeCame full circle. PromiseSaid you'd never leave. Lost And FoundFound Clem's hat. SurvivorFound all Episode Four collectables. Home At LastPlaced all Episode Four collectables.