The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor Trophies Here is the full list of all 33 The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor trophies - there are 15 bronze, 12 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 32 Offline Mode 32 Single Player 32 Cooperative 5 Main Storyline 4 Difficulty Specific 4 Stackable 2 Shop 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply MetronomiconquestYou done did it all! Forest PhenomenonDestroy the Speyeder of the Wild Forest. Castle CriznashorDethrone the Wraith King in the Haunted Kingdom. Mt. Rage RavagerEnd the dancing of a great Candy Dragon. Shipside ShankerDecompile a fearsome Dance-o-bot. Downright MooniniteSave the world of Koras from Dancemageddon. Arena AttemptorConquer one challenge in the school arena. Arena ArrestorMake five arena challenges your chump. Alien AssassinBeat the final challenge's omega boss. Arena ApocalypseDefeat every arena challenge Hail, the new OverlordDefeat every arena challenge on hard. The Sidequest ShimmySucceed in your first story sidequest. Optional AdventurerSucceed in beating five sidequests. Freetime FrivolitorSucceed in every single sidequest. Hark! Songs ho!Unlock your first bonus song. Dancing FoolSurvive your first 10 songs in Story Mode. Dancing ManiacSurvive every song in Story Mode. Dancing PsychopathSurvive every song in Story Mode on Hard. Part-Time ContractorPerform your first upgrade to the school. Scientific InquirerUnlock Sara's laboratory. Ruby (Crusted) WeaponsPurchase every ultimate weapon. We're Going Streaking!Attain a 100 note streak. The Phantom StreakerAttain a 300 note streak PacifistSurvive a story song without killing an enemy. Reckless WarriorSurvive a story song without healing any party member. Phenomenal Cosmic PowersApply six buffs to one hero at the same time Protector and DestroyerDeal at least 7000 hp damage in one strike as Gwen Victorious VirtuosoPerform a perfect Solo-Lane Team Attack. Comeback KidPerform a perfect meteor attack counter. One Punch TeamKill five enemies in a row using just a single attack on each. No Pee BreaksBeat a fifty song playlist without ever pausing. Debuff BraverSurvive ten songs in Endless Mode in one run. Endless ExplorerSurvive thirty songs in Endless Mode in one run.