Here is the full list of all 20 The Jackbox Party Starter trophies - there are 20 bronze.
Get a Quiplash on every answer in Rounds One, Two and Three
Get a Quiplash against Schmitty in the Final Round
Trigger a response from Schmitty with your answer
Be in last place at the end of either the First or Second Rounds and then win the game
Get a Quiplash with a safety quip
Get a Super Quiplash in the final round
Finish the game in a tie
Use all of your colors in a single drawing that then gets used on a shirt
Vote against your own shirt in a battle
Get all the votes in a single battle in a 5+ player game
Be the creator of every shirt in the final gauntlet
Win both the gauntlet and the streak with a single shirt
Author both the drawing and the slogan of someone else's game-winning shirt
Be the author of both drawings in a battle
Survive the game (and then some) while wearing Father's Hat
Win a game as the audience
Get all the votes in an old favorite
Crack someone's password
Only 1 player survives the "Dumb Waiters"
Let the Time Bomb gift explode