The Good Life Trophies Here is the full list of all 42 The Good Life trophies - there are 31 bronze, 6 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 41 Offline Mode 41 Single Player 8 Main Storyline 5 Collectable 18 Cumulative + 1 Level 1 Shop 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply The Good LifeCongratulations on fully enjoying The Good Life! FirstScoopSaw a villager turn into a cat or dog for the first time. LegendarySwordCortanaGained access to the Kingswood in Route C. SwordOfMercyCompleted Route C. LifeThreateningMountaineeringGained access to the northern mountains in Route B. BluePeacockCompleted Route B. RunThroughWithSheepRode a sheep for the first time in Route A. EventHorizonCompleted Route A. FullPaymentCompleted the game. HaveYouGotUsedToLivingInTheCountrySpent one month in the game. RainyWoodsIsANicePlaceSpent twelve months in the game. MarKINGMarked 300 spots. SuperEmoEarned a total of 50,000 Emokes. BreadwinnerEarned a total of £500,000. RoughWayOfLifeEnjoyed 100 Game Overs. AdvancedHikerWalked 50,000 yards. SheepRiderTraveled 100,000 yards on a sheep. PhotographerAndShepherdAcquired 200 sheep. DestructionKingDestroyed 300 objects. BestSheepBreederBoosted all of one sheep's parameters to Level 10. VeteranPhotographerTook over 1,000 photographs. FeudalLordModified your house three times. SuperGardenerApplied five different layouts to your garden. SelfSufficiencyHarvested 500 crops. GarimpeiroExcavated 500 times. DrinQUEENWon 100 drinking contests. ILoveOutDoorUnlocked a total of 14 campgrounds. DigHereWoofWoofDug as a dog 300 times. AwesomeDogLoverReached 100% DOG on the DC Gauge. AwesomeCatLoverReached 100% CAT on the DC Gauge. RainyWoodsBestTalkerTalked with over 28 NPCs. GreatHunterDefeated 300 animals. CameraManiaPurchased five different camera lenses. SuperGourmetAte 85 different dishes. TastingMasterDrank 50 different drinks. MasterOfSheepHit the target times for all three sheep races. FreePassUnlocked 14 gates. SuperFashionableAcquired 48 different equippable items. PilgrimsInTheShrineAwakened 31 shrines. The Hottest BuzzFulfilled 100 Hotwords. CookingDictionayHumanLearned 85 recipes. GiveAndTakeCompleted 60 side quests.