The Cursed Crusade (EU) Trophies Here is the full list of all 43 The Cursed Crusade (EU) trophies - there are 30 bronze, 8 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 42 Online/Offline 42 Single Player 42 Cooperative 9 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 3 Collectable 2 Cumulative + 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Symphony of HellGet all the trophies of The Cursed Crusade! We Are the Champions, My FriendWin the Tournament of Ecry. A Templar Rides into a Forest...Clear "Forest Roads" in any difficuty setting. Slow and SteadyClear "The Road to the Peninsula" without losing any of the soldiers pushing the ballista. Make the Voices StopClear "The Fall of Zara" in any difficulty setting. A Change of PerspectiveClear "The Capitolium" in any difficulty setting. Innocent BloodDefend Constantinople's civilians! Demon SlayerClear "Hagia Sophia Basilica" in any difficulty setting. UnstoppablePerform a 50 hit combo. End of the ChainPerform a 100 hit combo. Deflection MasterDeflect 30 attacks with the Deflection Counter! Evasive ManeuversDodge 30 Guard Breaks! That Man's On FireAcquire the power Purifying Fire! Roar of FlamesAcquire the power Roaring Flames! Maelstrom of FireAcquire the power Fire Maelstrom! Live by the SwordMaster the One-Handed Sword! Hatchet ManMaster the One-Handed Axe! Mace EffectMaster the One-Handed Mace! Knight in Shining ArmorMaster the Sword and Shield technique! ...And My Axe!Master the Axe and Shield technique! Classic ClericMaster the Mace and Shield technique! OvercompensatingMaster the Two-Handed Sword! Timber!Master the Two-Handed Axe! Saint LonginusMaster the Spear! Greek Poetry in MotionMaster the Spear and Shield technique! What's Better Than One Sword?Master the Double Sword technique! Axes of EvilMaster the Double Axe technique! Blunt TraumaMaster the Double Mace technique! CutsmanMaster the Sword and Axe technique! Offense is the Best DefenseMaster the Sword and Mace technique! Unconventional AssaultMaster the Axe and Mace technique! Master of WarMaster all the martial techniques! Strong as a Spanish CowEnhance your character's Strength to its maximum! Cursed and Loving ItEnhance your character's Templar's Curse to its maximum! Weapons of Mass PurificationEnhance your character's Weapon Mastery to its maximum! Playing the TortugaEnhance your character's Armor Mastery to its maximum! Was That Supposed to Hurt?Enhance your character's Constitution to its maximum! One-Man ArmyEnhance all of your character's statistics to their maximum! The Cursed CrusaderClear the game on any difficulty setting. The Cursed TemplarClear the game on the "Nightmare" difficulty setting. Here's Your Trophy!Find the ninth Blood Crucifix! Cross the CrossesFind all the Blood Crucifixes! Gold Before GloryFind all the coffers!