Supraland: Six Inches Under (PS4) Trophies Here is the full list of all 54 Supraland: Six Inches Under trophies - there are 46 bronze, 5 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 52 Offline Mode 52 Single Player 29 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 9 Collectable 9 Shop 2 Unobtainable 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Supraland Six Inches UnderEarn all trophies in the game. Good MorningYou're halfway through the game already Hide adsRocket LaunchedHe did all the work SpeedRun faster Hit Rock BottomHit Rock Bottom High JumpJump Higher! Knee bendingBending the knee gets you further Too hotHeated up the water PickaxeIt's made of wood, it will last forever RevengeKilled the ghouls Cage TownCage Town SurpriseDefeated Surprise Chest Entered Cage TownHello there! Force BeamPurple lines MagnetYou're so attractive Industrial AreaSo much industry Magnet RepelI can fly... for a very short moment PlumbsterExcellent plumbing work FasterYou were hoping you would never see him again BoomeraxeBrings back the good old economy You feel middle classyMade it to the 2nd floor Banking DistrictGet an accountant ArrestedYou're a criminal Got your own one nowGold Module RippedLifting weights Mission UnlikelyBroke into the bank Zappy GunBzzz bzzz But wait... ...There's more...Very secret No Match for youImprovised Beat the big arenaMuch boom boom Force CubeI used to get that earlier in the previous game MomentumFlying, sort of Got BatterySaved it from exploding Guard DistractedHe loves the ladies TranslocatorYou feel so OP all of a sudden Inner PeaceBeat the big guy Trickle Down EconomyVery unrealistic WinYou're probably 50% done now Chest DetectorBeep beep Much MagicThe kids liked it Stone PickaxeThis one will never break Iron PickaxeIt feels so stable Diamond PickaxeNot sure if it's just a blue stone pickaxe FlamesBurn 'em all GreenhouseYou smell so nice Played with fireAnd all I got was this lousy chest Killed them allBeat the arena next to town You feel very sorryDon't look behind you Lawyers made us change the name of thisYou are less lost You're unsure if you broke the game or notLeft the level You fell fully engagedIt probably has no use BouncyBoing So much forceYou feel way too OP now All the chestsMuch secret!