Starwhal Trophies Here is the full list of all 23 Starwhal trophies - there are 8 bronze, 7 silver, 7 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 22 Offline Mode 22 Single Player 10 Versus 9 Cumulative + 9 Time/Date 10 Buggy - 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Cosmic BallerUnlocked all game trophies. Bronze AgeObtain 30 Bronze medals in challenge mode This Place Shall Become Your GraveDie 100 times in Challenge Mode Die One Thousand DeathsDie 1000 times in Challenge Mode GhostbusterBeat your Ghost Gnarly BallsGet your first platinum medal Gold DiggerObtain 20 Gold in all Challenges Golden BoyGet your first gold medal Petty CashGet your first bronze medal Platinum GamesObtain 15 Platinum in all Challenges Silver DollarGet your first silver medal Silver SurferObtain 25 Silver medals Too EasyObtain 32 Platinum medals Developer X is pleasedAccumulate 4096 total points in Score Attack Come at me, bro!Taunt 25 times in a single match Ice BreakerShatter 1000 blocks of Ice Master of their DomainHold a Zone for 45 consecutive seconds Mine, All Mine!Win a Versus Heart Throb match being the sole holder of the Heart NEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRD!!!!!!!Play 1,000 rounds of Versus NERDPlay 100 rounds of Versus 1 guideStabby stabStab 1,000 hearts in Classic mode Stabby stabby stabStab 3,000 hearts in Classic mode Why2K?Accumulate 2,000 total points in Score Attack