Star Ocean: The Last Hope 4K & Full HD Remaster Trophies Here is the full list of all 47 Star Ocean: The Last Hope 4K & Full HD Remaster trophies - there are 30 bronze, 14 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 46 Offline Mode 46 Single Player 8 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 1 Story Completed 2 Collectable 14 Missable 2 Cumulative + 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required 6 Time Consuming 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply STAR OCEAN™ - THE LAST HOPE -™ 4K & Full HD Remaster Platinum TrophyCongratulations! You've collected every last STAR OCEAN™ - THE LAST HOPE -™ 4K & Full HD Remaster trophy! Rookie BattlerObtain 15% of all battle trophies. Practiced BattlerObtain 30% of all battle trophies. Skilled BattlerObtain 45% of all battle trophies. Seasoned BattlerObtain 60% of all battle trophies. Advanced BattlerObtain 75% of all battle trophies. Ship SavantCollect 100% of all spaceship data. Arms AddictCollect 100% of all weapon data. Creature CollectorCollect 50% of all monster data. Dilettante DesignerCreate 20% of all possible items. Aspiring ArchitectCreate 40% of all possible items. Creative CraftsmanCreate 60% of all possible items. Inspired InventorCreate 80% of all possible items. Treasure HunterOpen 50% of all treasure chests. Errand BoyComplete 50% of all quests. Abolished ArmarosDefeat Armaros on the northern coast of Aeos. Butchered BarachielDefeat Barachiel in the engine room of the celestial ship. Squelched SaharielDefeat Sahariel in the Cardianon control tower's central isolation chamber. Escaped from EarthEscape from the alternate Earth before its untimely demise... Trounced TamielDefeat Tamiel and his Sydonaist henchmen in the hallowed halls of the Purgatorium. Reimi's EndingView Reimi's ending sequence. Faize's EndingView Faize's ending sequence. Lymle's EndingView Lymle's ending sequence. Bacchus's EndingView Bacchus's ending sequence. Meracle's EndingView Meracle's ending sequence. Myuria's EndingView Myuria's ending sequence. Sarah's EndingView Sarah's ending sequence. Arumat's EndingView Arumat's ending sequence. Colosseum CharterBreak into the top 30 in solo or team battle rankings. Colosseum ChallengerBreak into the top 10 in solo or team battle rankings. Hasty Hare HandlerEarn 50 victories in class 100 bunny racing. Massacred ManifestDefeat Armaros Manifest in the grimy depths of the Miga Insect Warren. Quelled KokabielDefeat Kokabiel and her spawn in the sacred En II Sanctuary. Silenced SatanailDefeat Satanail in the Palace of Creation on Nox Obscurus. Celestial SlayerDefeat Gabriel Celeste. Universal VictorComplete the game on the Universe difficulty level. Crowe's EndingView Crowe's ending sequence. Master BattlerObtain 90% of all battle trophies. Ultimate BattlerObtain 100% of all battle trophies. Monster MasterCollect 100% of all monster data. World's Biggest Welch FanCreate 100% of all possible items. Treasure HoarderOpen 100% of all treasure chests. Dutiful DelivererComplete 100% of all quests. Colosseum ChampionTake over the top spot in solo or team battle rankings. Rapid Rabbit WranglerEarn 100 victories in class 100 bunny racing. Ethereal ExecutionerDefeat the Ethereal Queen. Chaotic ConquerorComplete the game on the Chaos difficulty level.