Squishies Trophies Here is the full list of all 36 Squishies trophies - there are 20 bronze, 11 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 31 Offline Mode 31 Single Player 4 Collectable 31 External Content 1 Partly Disc/Unob 4 Discontinued 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Squishies-MeisterBecome the Master of the game. LagoonFinish all levels in World 1. Bloo PaloozaFinish all levels in World 2. Sunny SideFinish all levels in World 3. Purple RainFinish all levels in World 4. Alien LandFinish all levels in World 5. All in one basketFind all the crystal eggs. Crystal FinderCollect 10% of all crystals. Crystal CollectorCollect 50% of all crystals. Crystal HoarderCollect all the crystals. One of usFinish a level from the community. Blank CanvasCreate a new level. Sharing is caringUpload a level to the community. Ice to meet youHave a Squishy eat an Ice fruit. Stick with meHave a Squishy eat a Sticky fruit. Friends in high placesHave a Squishy eat an Anti Gravity fruit. Crushing on youHave a Squishy eat a Titan fruit. Float like a butterflyHave a Squishy eat a Bubble fruit. In the drinkHave a Squishy fall in the water. Poison IvyHave a Squishy touch a poison vine. VolcanologistHave a Squishy fall in lava. The AbyssHave a Squishy fall into the abyss. Jelly PuddingHave a Squishy get eaten by the Jellyfish. Early BirdHave a Squishy get eaten by the Sandworm. Five StarRate a community level. In the SystemCustomize your Squishy card. A Star is BornDrop the Power Cube. All the thingsUnlock all the objects in the editor. Titan SmashCrush a Carapacer with a Titan. Escape VelocityAntigrav yourself into space. No way these are local boysUse Sandworm to make Titan jump. Eddy on the rocksFreeze Eddy. Eddy well-doneFlame Eddy. Perfect PitchHave a Squishy thrown by a Grabber. Bridging a GapUse an element to build a bridge. Meat & RiceUse the entire budget when making a level.