Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon Trophies Here is the full list of all 41 Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon trophies - there are 27 bronze, 9 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 40 Offline Mode 40 Single Player 7 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 1 Cumulative + 1 Buggy - 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Party like it's 2024Win all trophies in Spyro 3 1 guideThe Money's in the BagSunrise Spring: Free Sheila the Kangaroo Moving Up In The WorldSunrise Spring: Launch the Transporter Balloon 1 guideThe Villa BullySunny Villa: Defeat all Coward Rhynocs 1 guideHead in the CloudsCloud Spires: Glide for 5+ seconds (and land safely!) 1 guideA Key MoveMolten Crater: Unlock the locked treasure chest 1 guideBye Bye BlutoSeashell Shore: Defeat Bluto's nuclear shark submarine Stomping Target PracticeSheila's Alp: As Sheila, destroy all headbash treasure chests Star PowerMushroom Speedway: Fly Through 4 Star Speed Boosts In One Lap 1 guideBuzz Off!Buzz's Dungeon: Defeat Buzz Who's Your Crawdaddy?Crawdad Farm: Defeat the Crawdad King 1 guideA Byrd in the Hand...Midday Gardens: Free Sgt. James Byrd 1 guideOne Small Step for Dragon...Midday Gardens: Launch the Transporter Whirligig Cannon FodderIcy Peak: Destroy 6 icy things using the cannons 1 guideBalloon BusterEnchanted Towers: Destroy all the balloons 1 guideTucked in for a Long SlumberSpooky Swamp: Defeat Sleepyhead 1 guideBottled CuriosityBamboo Terrace: Follow the question mark bottles to the end 1 guideByrd BombsSgt. Byrd's Base: As Sgt. Byrd, bomb all treasure chests Rocket RacerCountry Speedway: Fire 5 missiles in one race 1 guideNo Dragon for Lunch Today!Spike's Arena: Defeat Spike Web-Be-GoneSpider Town: As Sparx, defeat the Spider King A Small Cost to BearEvening Lake: Free Bentley the Yeti ...One Giant Leap for DragonkindEvening Lake: Launch the Transporter Rocket Man the Cannons, ManLost Fleet: Use cannons to shoot down all vultures 1 guideA Dozen Cold OnesFrozen Altars: Use ice breath to freeze 12 enemies Twin Dragon DestructionFireworks Factory: Defeat Twin Dragons (Boss) The Harder They FallCharmed Ridge: Defeat a giant 1 guideIt's Totem DestructionBentley's Outpost: As Bentley, destroy all the totem poles Real Star PowerHoney Speedway: Fly through 12 star speed boosts in one race 1 guideScorched!Scorch's Pit: Defeat Scorch Manta ErayserStarfish Reef: As Sparx, defeat the Manta Ray That Monkey's Gonna (Make Them) Pay...Midnight Mountain: Free Agent 9 8000 Reasons to Kick ButtMidnight Mountain: Get revenge on Moneybags 1 guideVanishing ActCrystal Islands: Defeat all the Crystal Bears 1 guideButterfly HunterDesert Ruins: Find both butterfly jars A Sarcopha-Kinda GuyHaunted Tomb: Destroy All Sarcophagi 1 guideNice Shootin' TexDino Mines: As Agent 9, defeat an enemy with a ricochet shot 1 guideSomeone Set Us Up the BombAgent 9's Lab: As Agent 9, shoot down all the balloons Hunt for HunterHarbor Speedway: Find Hunter 1 guideSorceress Down!Sorceress's Lair: Defeat The Sorceress DebuggingBugbot Factory: As Sparx, defeat the Metapede 1 guide