Son of Scoregasm (Vita)

Son of Scoregasm (Vita)

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Son of Scoregasm (Vita)

Son of Scoregasm (Vita) Trophies

Here is the full list of all 18 Son of Scoregasm trophies - there are 15 bronze and 3 silver.

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  • Biscuit Aficionado

    Find All the King's biscuits

  • Figgy

    Find the King's fig roll.

  • Creamy

    Find the King's custard cream.

  • Choccy

    Find the King's chocolate digestive.

  • Bourbon

    Find the King's bourbon.

  • Wafers

    Find the King's pink wafer.

  • Chip

    Find the King's chocolate chip.

  • Jammy

    Find the King's jammy ring

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    Son of Scoregasm FAQ
    • How many trophies are there in Son of Scoregasm?
      There are 18 trophies in Son of Scoregasm - 15 bronze and 3 silver.
      You can view the full list of Son of Scoregasm trophies here.
    • Is Son of Scoregasm on PlayStation Plus?
      No, Son of Scoregasm is not currently available on any PlayStation Plus tier.
    • When did Son of Scoregasm release on PlayStation?
      Son of Scoregasm was released on October 10th, 2017.