Smoke And Sacrifice Trophies Here is the full list of all 35 Smoke And Sacrifice trophies - there are 17 bronze, 13 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 34 Offline Mode 34 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply CompletionistCollect all trophies in the game. Call to AdventureReach the Underworld. Child of the ForestMeet the Feral Child. You AgainMeet an old friend. I Heart YouDiscover the World Heart. Searchin' for the UrchinFind your son. Green EnergyCraft the Verdite Reactor. A New HopeComplete the game. Oliver TwistFeed starving orphans. CollectorShow various esoteric objects to the Craftmaster. CrossbreederHelp the Feral Child breed a pet. DIYUse the Workbench. Having a BlastUse the Blastforge. Means of ProductionUse the Manufactory. Magic MakerUse the Crucible. Iced HimDefeat Marduk, Priest of Bone. Flame GrilledDefeat Smotherk, Priest of Flame. Shock DefeatDefeat Telemak, Priest of Lore. SaboteurBlow up a Pumping Station. ExterminatorBlow up a Spark Rat nest. Caught Like A...Trap a Spark Rat. EnraptoredTrap a Grim Raptor or Grim Cheeper. Jelly JarTrap a Polyp. Who You Gonna CallTrap a Smoke Ghost. Hatching a PlanIncubate a Raptor Egg. Treasure TroveDig up a hoard. FumigatorBreak open a Larva Mound. GhostificationWitness the birth of a Smoke Ghost. HackerShow off the result of a Behaviour Module. Miss PiggyDefeat a Porkupine. AntichickenatorDefeat a Grim Raptor. StokedDefeat a Stoker. Armour-PiercingDefeat a Male Pangocorn. Black ScreenRetire a faithful worker. Hatching a Plan IIOpen a hatch.