STAR OCEAN: Integrity and Faithlessness Trophies Here is the full list of all 41 STAR OCEAN: Integrity and Faithlessness trophies - there are 22 bronze, 16 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 40 Offline Mode 40 Single Player 5 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 1 Story Completed 1 Collectable 9 Missable 1 Level 3 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Warden of the StarsObtain all trophies. The Hero Sthal NeedsEradicate Eitalon. 1 guidePavine PummelerDefeat Pavine in the Eihied Mountains. Der-Suul DeposerDefeat Der-Suul in the Slaughtery. Thoras ThrasherDefeat Thoras in the parallel dimension. Alma AnnihilatorDefeat General Alma in the throne room. Archnemesis of the HeavensDefeat Gabriel Celeste. Slayer of Divine BeingsDefeat Ethereal Queen. Together ForeverView Miki's ending. His Will Lives OnView Victor's ending. Straightened PrioritiesView Fiore's ending. Traverse the StarsView Emmerson's ending. All Alone with AnneView Anne's ending. Relia Finds HappinessView Relia's ending. The Legend BeginsStart a second playthrough. Call for BackupActivate a reserve rush. Right Back AtchyaMake a riposte. 1 guideHe Who Runs Away Lives to Fight Another DayFlee from a battle. 1 guideMy Reaction WhenUse an emote during a cutscene. Supernal AspirationsAscend to level 255. Universally RenownedBeat the game on Universe difficulty. Survivor of ChaosBeat the game on Chaos difficulty. Please Be GentleCreate an item. Successor to the Vineyard ThroneUnlock all item creation recipes. Apothecary ExtraordinaireCreate the most valuable medicinal item. 1 guideCulinary VirtuosoCreate the most valuable edible item. 1 guideAlchemical ArtisanCreate the most precious metal. 1 guideNature's BlessingCreate the most valuable naturally-occurring item. 1 guideSeeker of Sorcerous KnowledgeCreate the most valuable sorcerous item. 1 guideMaster MachinistCreate the most valuable mechanical item. 1 guideLearn from Your MistakesCreate an item that you shouldn't. 1 guideFull ArsenalObtain all battle skills and signeturgical spells. Hail to the ChiefObtain the vast majority of the roles. 1 guideStalwart VeteranObtain half of the battle trophies. Consummate CombatantObtain all battle trophies. Biology BuffEncounter half of all enemies. Boss of the BestiaryEncounter every enemy. Item IdentifierCatalogue half of all items. Compendium CompletionistCatalogue every item. Helping HandComplete half of all quests. Quid Pro QuestComplete all quests.