Reading World VR Trophies Here is the full list of all 32 Reading World VR trophies - there are 13 bronze, 13 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Reading WizardYou are now a Reading Wizard! Congratulations on unlocking all of the other Reading World VR Trophies! Word Scramble - 3 PlaysPlay the Word Scramble mini game 3 times. Sentence Smash - 3 PlaysPlay the Sentence Smash mini game 3 times. Ring Toss - 3 PlaysPlay the Ring Toss mini game 3 times. Spelling Puncher - 3 PlaysPlay the Spelling Puncher Mini Game 3 times. Rhyming Slicer - 3 PlaysPlay the Rhyming Slicer Mini Game 3 times. Archery Mixup - 3 PlaysPlay the Archery Mixup Mini Game 3 times. Slingshot Sentence - 3 PlaysPlay the Slingshot Sentence Mini Game 3 times. Syllable Fishing - 3 PlaysPlay the Syllable Fishing Mini Game 3 times. Syllable Smash - 3 PlaysPlay the Syllable Smash Mini Game 3 times. Bucket Toss - 3 PlaysPlay the Bucket Toss Mini Game 3 times. Word Race - 3 PlaysPlay the Word Race Mini Game 3 times. Lilypad Leap - 3 PlaysPlay the Lilypad Leap Mini Game 3 times. Skins - 33%Unlock a third of the skins from the Prize Shop. Word Scramble - 10 PlaysPlay the Word Scramble Mini Game 10 times. Sentence Smash - 10 PlaysPlay the Sentence Smash Mini Game 10 times. Ring Toss - 10 PlaysPlay the Ring Toss Mini Game 10 times. Spelling Puncher - 10 PlaysPlay the Spelling Puncher Mini Game 10 times. Rhyming Slicer - 10 PlaysPlay the Rhyming Slicer Mini Game 10 times. Archery Mixup - 10 PlaysPlay the Archery Mixup Mini Game 10 times. Slingshot Sentence - 10 PlaysPlay the Slingshot Sentence Mini Game 10 times. Syllable Fishing - 10 PlaysPlay the Syllable Fishing Mini Game 10 times. Syllable Smash - 10 PlaysPlay the Syllable Smash Mini Game 10 times. Bucket Toss - 10 PlaysPlay the Bucket Toss Mini Game 10 times. Word Race - 10 PlaysPlay the Word Race Mini Game 10 times. Lilypad Leap - 10 PlaysPlay the Lilypad Leap Mini Game 10 times. Skins - 66%Unlock two thirds of the skins from the Prize Shop. Skins - 100%Unlock all of the skins from the Prize Shop. Spelling Puncher - 20 PlaysPlay the Spelling Puncher Mini Game 20 times. Archery Mixup - 20 PlaysPlay the Archery Mixup Mini Game 20 times. Sentence Smash - 20 PlaysPlay the Sentence Smash Mini Game 20 times. Slingshot Sentence - 20 PlaysPlay the Slingshot Sentence Mini Game 20 times.