2064: Read Only Memories Trophies Here is the full list of all 65 2064: Read Only Memories trophies - there are 62 bronze, 1 silver, 1 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 64 Offline Mode 64 Single Player 6 Main Storyline 4 Story Completed 2 Collectable 47 Missable 5 Cumulative + 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Plasteel and SilicaUnlock all other trophies A New Cyberpunk AdventureA New Cyberpunk Adventure BlackoutCompleted Chapter 1 Tears in RainCompleted Chapter 2 The Pale RiderCompleted the Media Arc Cloak and DaggerCompleted the Flower Arc No Turning BackCompleted Chapter 5 All Good ThingsCompleted Ending One The SacrificeCompleted Ending Two A New BlueCompleted Ending Three ComplicityCompleted Ending Four FlatlineCompleted Ending Five Yule Be Back!Played through Endless Christmas One More Good DayBrought along an unhealthy snack Well-ReadChecked your inbox and the paper before you slept 1 guidePut The Thing in the DoohickeyPuzzle your first puzzle 1 guideDing Dong DitchGot lost and annoyed the neighbors 1 guideHydrophobicWilty is lucky Turing stepped in 1 guideUnsociableStrike out at the club on Hybrid Night Worst Cab Ride EverSuccessfully trap a miscreant's taxi SymmetryYou just can't leave plants well enough alone GroceriesThat's one way to stock your fridge No, I Don't Feel YouThat would have made too much sense Threat NeutralizedGet past the security ROMs without taking a scratch TerminatedGot killed by Dekker Good ListenerFind and listen through all of Turing's lectures Maneki-NekoYou are very lucky! Always The Best!Try 10 different kinds of Hassy DrinktionaryGo on every drunken escapade JobberLearn a lot of wrestling moves Brick by Useless BrickSolve your problems peacefully Clark KentTurned down the final mission. BotanistBring Wilty back to outstanding health PlaybackUse the headphones to listen to the soundtrack 1 guideAudiophileYou listened to the entire soundtrack! Sophisticated TasteTry at least half of Stardust's drink menu Too SophisticatedYou've had every drink at Stardust! LoquaciousYou've talked to 100 things! ObservantYou've looked at 100 things! Hands-OnYou've used 100 things! CraftyYou've used your items on 100 things! Iron ROMPlay through the game in a single session and never use a load or continue. Farewell, Old FriendYou finally found a use for it... Cardinal of CombatBeat the final boss in the Mega Phobetor arcade machine Stop The ViolenceProvoke a tough guy in the wrong part of town PersuasionConvince Lexi to help you with impressive speechcraft 1 guideCybercrackerMake use of your surroundings to access Lexi's credentials another way 1 guideWell, That WorkedStart a riot to clear Market Street Hassy Hot CupsBreak their will to clear Market Street NegotiatorKept a cool head and worked things out SnitchCalled in for backup Maybe It Just Needed A Little LoveKeep Wilty alive You're HopelessFail to save Wilty EmpatheticJess warmed up to you and agrees to help you in your final quest Not a Cat Person?Jess resents you and refuses to help you in your final quest Cool KidThe punks appreciate your patience and agree to help you in your final quest Smell You LaterThe punks are spooked and refuse to help you in your final quest Hack the WorldTOMCAT is your friend Son of a GunTOMCAT resents you Junior DeputyLexi is your friend Bad AssociationLexi resents you WaterloggedGet washed out of the drainage tunnels Sewer SharkSuccessfully navigate the drainage tunnels on the first try We're Alphanumeric!At the end of it all, you are close friends with Turing. No Heart To BreakAt the end of it all, you are resented by Turing.