Raiden NOVA (PS4) Trophies Here is the full list of all 50 Raiden NOVA trophies - there are 42 bronze, 4 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply God of RaidenObtained all trophies Raiden, Take Off!Play Raiden once Hide adsAirmanAchieve Lv. 20 SergeantAchieve Lv. 50 GeneralAchieve Lv. 100 Novice SurvivorSurvive for 3 minutes Beginner SurvivorSurvive for 10 minutes Master SurvivorSurvive for 30 minutes Vulcan FighterLevel up the Vulcan Gun to 9 Laser FighterLevel up the Laser to 9 Plasma FighterLevel up the Plasma Laser to 9 Option FighterLevel up any option to 9 Evolved VulcanEvolve the Vulcan Gun Evolved LaserEvolve the Laser Evolved Plasma LaserEvolve the Plasma Laser Evolved OptionEvolve any option Evolution MasterEvolve all 27 skills Save the fairyGet the fairy Capture the MiklasGet the Miklas Bonus MissionComplete the Bonus Mission DiscovererFind all Option ExplorerFind all powerup items BreakerDefeat 5,000 enemies DestroyerDefeat 50,000 enemies DevastatorDefeat 500,000 enemies The battle beginsDefeat the stage 1 boss Power is justiceDefeat the stage 2 boss Seeking New BattleDefeat the stage 3 boss To the universeDefeat the stage 4 boss Galaxy guardianDefeat the stage 5 boss OvercomerDefeat 3,000 enemies in one play VanquisherDefeat 5,000 enemies in one play ConquerorDefeat 10,000 enemies in one play Return to peaceView Ending Loop ExpertView Ending twice Loop MasterView Ending five times To the next battleUnlock one stage in Unlimited Mode Battlefield LiberationUnlock all stages in Unlimited Mode CollectorPurchase a fighter Master CollectorPurchase all fighters Enhancement ManiaEnhance any aircraft 10 times Best enhancerEnhance any aircraft 50 times Full Blast MasterEnhance any aircraft 100 times The die is castPerform 10 Rerolls Reroll MasterPerform 100 Rerolls Rapid FireDefeat the boss within 30 seconds Bomb saverStage Clear w/o bombs in Arcade Mode Unscathed HeroClear any stage w/o being hit any attacks High ScorerScore 500,000 points Master ScorerScore 100,000,000 points