Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Trophies Full list of all 56 Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare trophies - 39 bronze, 13 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 46 trophies, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 55 Online Mode 19 Single Player 21 Cooperative 46 Versus 3 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 20 Cumulative + 10 Level 8 Shop 1 Time/Date 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,780 1,350 46 1 3 10 32 3.9769,3659,520 (14%)30-35h Fundead LegionnaireUnlock all Trophies Making PopcornAs a Cactus, Vanquish 10 Players with the Drone's Corn Strike 1 guideSnaretasticAs a Chomper, Swallow 10 Snared Zombies in a session 2 guidesSplit Pea Zombie SoupAs a Peashooter, vanquish 10 Players with the Pea Gatling in a session 1 guideStuck on YouAs a Scientist, Vanquish 10 Players with the Sticky Explody Ball 1 guideGarden DioxideAs a Soldier, Vanquish 2 Players using a single ZPG strike Sun HealsAs a Sunflower, Heal Teammates 25 times using the Heal Beam in a session 1 guideOffensive LineAs an All-Star, Vanquish 5 Players using the Sprint Tackle in a session 1 guideThe Astral PlaneAs an Engineer, Build 3 Teleporters in a session of Gardens & Graveyards 1 guideZombie DefenseAs an Engineer, Build 3 Zombot Turrets in a session of Gardens & Graveyards 1 guideJackhammer RushAs an Engineer, Vanquish 10 Players while riding the Jackhammer 1 guideChallenge AcceptedReach Level 10 with any Character Going StrongReach Rank 50 1 guideZombot RemovalAs a Plant, Destroy 10 Zombot Turrets in Gardens & Graveyards No Teleporting AllowedAs a Plant, Destroy a Teleporter in Gardens & Graveyards 1 guidePlant PerfectAs a Plant, Achieve a Perfect Win in Gardens & Graveyards 1 guideRocket ManVanquish 10 Players and 10 Plant Pots with the Soldier's ZPG Zombie VanquishedAs a Plant, Vanquish a Player in any Competitive Mode 1 guideGarden WeederAs a Zombie, Capture an Objective in Gardens & Graveyards 1 guidePlant VanquishedAs a Zombie, Vanquish a Player in any Competitive Mode 1 guideGarden TourBe on the Winning Team for 25 matches of Gardens & Graveyards TVM VeteranBe on the Winning Team for 25 matches of Team Vanquish Garden CrazyComplete a Garden Ops match on Crazy Difficulty 1 guideGarden HardcoreComplete a Garden Ops match on Hard Difficulty Garden NormalComplete a Garden Ops match on Normal Difficulty Boogie Your Brains OutVanquish a Disco Zombie in Garden Ops Mode 1 guideGargantuan TaskVanquish a Gargantuar in Garden Ops Mode 1 guideBrain FreezeVanquish a Yeti in Garden Ops Mode 1 guideSuper BossDefeat a Super Boss Wave in Garden Ops Mode 1 guideStriking FirstEarn a 1st Strike Master Boast 3 times 1 guideThe Healing TouchEarn a Heal Master Boast 3 times 1 guideMost Valuable VanquisherEarn a Vanquish Master Boast 1 time 1 guideHang in ThereEarn a Revival Master Boast 5 times 1 guideStreak BoasterEarn a Vanquish Streak Boast 1 time 1 guideI HelpedEarn an Assist Master Boast 5 times 1 guideCousinsGrow 5 Plant Pots in a session 1 guideGrow a FriendGrow a Plant Pot Crazy Dave SquadReach Level 5 with Every Plant Class 1 guideZomboss RecruitReach Level 5 with Every Zombie Class 1 guideHunting SeasonVanquish 100 Soldiers, 100 Scientists, 100 Engineers and 100 All-Stars 1 guideZombie FriendsSummon 5 Zombies in a session of Gardens & Graveyards 1 guideI'm LonelySummon a Zombie in Gardens & Graveyards 1 guideGetting StartedReach Player Rank 5 1 guideConsume ThisUse 10 Revive Consumables 1 guideConsume This TooUse 10 Skip Challenge Star Consumables 1 guideWeed WhackerVanquish 100 Peashooters, 100 Sunflowers, 100 Chompers and 100 Cacti 1 guide Update Zomboss Down 483 195 10 3 7 3.5034,0525,876 (17%)8-10h Legionnaire of DoomGrow a Doom-shroom, Bamboo Shoot, Fire Peashooter and Ice Peashooter Ahoy MateySummon a Barrel Pirate and Map Pirate Zombie in Gardens & Graveyards Gnome BomberPick up a Gnome Bomb Running of the GnomesPlant 5 Gnome Bombs Defuse the SituationDefuse 3 Gnome Bombs Drop That GnomeVanquish 10 Enemies while They are Carrying a Gnome Bomb Garden GnomerBe on the Winning Team for 15 matches of Gnome Bomb Heave HoVanquish 500 Pirate Zombies 1 guideThe Last SecondDefuse a Gnome Bomb with Less Than 3 Seconds Remaining 1 guideHole In OnePush the Golf-Bomb into the Hole in Cactus Canyon 1 guide