Patapon 2 Remastered Trophies Here is the full list of all 40 Patapon 2 Remastered trophies - there are 29 bronze, 5 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 39 Offline Mode 39 Single Player 13 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 3 Collectable 1 Level 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply To Earthend!Unlock all trophies. Sting Like a BeePerform the Brimstone Juju. Hide adsCold As IcePerform the Miracle of the Blizzard. Battle HardenedPerform the Duck 'n' Cover Juju. A Staggering ForcePerform the Earthquake Miracle. Wet SeasonPerform the Rain Miracle. Cataclysmic DownpourPerform the Storm Miracle. Do You Feel a Draft?Perform the Tailwind Miracle. A Bountiful HarvestComplete Level 3 of Fah Zakpon's minigame. Ready to Rock and RollComplete Level 3 of Kon Kimpon's minigame. VirtuosoComplete Level 3 of Pan the Pakapon's minigame. Soup for Simmer SlurpComplete Level 3 of Rah Gashapon's minigame. Master of the DiscoComplete Level 3 of Shuraba Yapon's minigame. Keep HammeringComplete Level 3 of Ton Kampon's minigame. A little bit of this, a little bit of thatPlay Tsun Tunpon and Tsuku Tsukupon's minigame for the first time. Ultimate Rarepon: BabassaAcquire a Babassa rarepon. Ultimate Rarepon: MogyugyuAcquire a Mogyugyu rarepon. Ultimate Rarepon: WagyanbaAcquire a Wagyanba rarepon. The Future is BrightBeat the game for the first time. Rare FormRaise a rarepon to Level 10. Can't Stop the FeverPerform 15 consecutive songs while in Fever mode. Divinley DangerousAcquire a Divine Weapon. Demonically DangerousAcquire a Demon Weapon. 5 and CountingDefeat a Level 5 boss without losing any troops. Full KitAcquire all 4 drums. Ancient MarkingsFind a Wep and receive it's rewards. A Song For Every OccasionPerform 5 different songs during one mission. Fear the SpearUnlock every memory in the Yaripon Evolution Map. Tatepons FTW!Unlock every memory in the Tatepon Evolution Map. Danger From a DistanceUnlock every memory in the Yumipon Evolution Map. In the Name of MaterDefeat Dodonga. Beware of the BeakDefeat Mochichichi. Wash the Spider DownDefeat Centura. Big Game HuntingDefeat Manboth. Servant of the UnderworldDefeat Garuru. Feathers of FlamesDefeat Fennichi. Through Earth Like WaterDefeat Zaknel. A Taste For PataponDefeat Shookle. Malicious MachineryDefeat Kanogias. Break the CurseDefeat Dettankarmen.