Pacify Trophies Here is the full list of all 53 Pacify trophies - there are 38 bronze, 13 silver, 1 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Employee of the Year!Congratulations on this prestigious award. You did a great job helping out PAH Inc. and you deserve it. Start a fire!Start a fire in the boiler. Burn a DollBurn a darkness doll in the boiler. Wrong DollBurn a Pacify doll in the boiler. Key MasterCollect all keys in single player or cooperative mode. Key HoarderHold all the keys at once in player versus player mode. Pacify HerGive the girl a doll when she is a monster. I love lore!Read all notes. BullyPush someone down in player versus player. You are a doll.Get attacked by the girl. One Man TeamWin the game in single player mode. Win with FriendsWin the game in cooperative mode. Destroy the competition.Win the game in player versus player mode. Save a friendGive the girl a pacify doll while she is attacking a player. Revive yourselfBurn yourself in the boiler and become normal again. Beat the game developerWin a single player session in under 20 minutes. Burn the girlToss the girl into the fire! Chicken HunterKnockout a chicken on the farm. Fill it upUse the water trough on the farm. Poison the WaterUse a bag of poison in the trough on the farm. Seasoned ChickenDunk a chicken in the poisoned water. Weaken The MonsterFeed the farm monster a poisoned chicken. Yummy ChickenFeed the farm monster a chicken. Interesting StoryRead all of the notes on the farm. Heavy LoadPick up the farm monster with the wheel barrow. Magical WindmillGet revived in the windmill. Rusty Old LocksBreak open all of the locks on the farm. Farm SoloDare to play on the farm alone. Cooped up on the farm!Play on the farm in cooperative mode. Free For All FarmPlay on the farm in player versus player mode. Beat the Game Developer IIWin a single player session on the farm in under 30 minutes. Explore The Creepy Woods TogetherPlay in the woods in cooperative mode. Who Cares About The TeamPlay in the woods in player versus player mode. Only You And The WitchBe fearless and play in the woods all alone. Witch's BrewCombine the ingredients in the cauldron. Release The PowerImpale an enchanted doll of twigs. Poor PuppySnip off the tail of a puppy. Work From HomeFind the witch's lair. Capture The Witch!Weaken the witch and bring her to the van in the woods. Release The Children's SpiritsFind a way to release the children's spirits captured by the witch in the woods. Beat the Game Developer IIIWin a single player session in the woods in under 20 minutes. Notes From a Lost ChildRead all of the notes from the lost child in the woods. Welcome to PAH HQHelp at the headquarters during the power outage in cooperative mode. You Can Do It!Take on the headquarters during the power outage all by yourself. Power it upPlace a charged battery in a battery socket. Charge itCharge a battery to full. Creepy ExperienceSolve the haunted simulation. Don't Do ThatLet a monster out of its cell, yourself. Get back in there!Power the Lesser Containment Unit. Self DestructRun out of time during the self destruct sequence. InvincibleDon't get hurt once, while keeping the headquarters safe. Bull's EyeGet a bullseye on the dart board. Bye!You and the entities escape the headquarters.