PHOGS! Trophies Here is the full list of all 31 PHOGS! trophies - there are 13 bronze, 12 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 30 Online/Offline 30 Single Player 30 Cooperative 5 Main Storyline 6 Collectable 1 Shop 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply True PHOG FriendProven co-operation skills Food FriendBring Glut Tony back down to size Sleep SaviourWake the Queen of Sleep from her Nightmare Play PalRelease Fredrick from the magic spell of his wand Welcome Home PHOGSFind your friends Need To Dig a Hole Now...Find all of the Bones 1 guidePHoragerFind All the Boingles in Food World 1 guideSleep WalkerFind All Boingles in Sleep World 1 guideToybox TrawlerFind All Boingles in Play World 1 guideBloodhoundCollect Everything 1 guideWell DressedBuy Every hat 1 guidePHAT PHOGWhat happens to all that food…? Good PHOGGOOOHH! Belly Rubs! Sheep PHOGHerd all the Fluffy Munchlets back into their pens. PHood for ThoughtBecome the Champion of the Fair All the ExtrasSprinkle some marshmallows into the Mountaintop Soup Break FastCatch a Slice of Toast mid-air Invisible InkUncover one of Sleep World’s DARKEST Secrets The Perfect HeistRescue the King Glorb without getting caught PHOG OverboardRowing can be pretty dangerous... 1 guideTuned OutYou're just not loud enough to wake them up Respect your EldersShow Granny Spider your appreciation Comforting PresenceA hug makes everything better 1 guideLook Both WaysThey should really install some level crossings on this beach... PHORE!Get a hole in one The Stuff Of NightmaresIn Play World Level 3, Ring the Bell without losing the Glorb Well BalancedRide off into the sunset without a scratch GreyhoundWin the Space Race Big PHOG, Little PHOGGet swallowed by a Worm with one big head and one small head. Hard to SwallowHow do the Worms even digest these? Guide PHOGSee all the nice spots that the Phoggyverse has to offer